So Christmas is over, the presents all given and recieved, the food all eaten (except a little strawberry pie I'm hiding in the back of the fridge hehehe). I think I'm better off than I was before Christmas, in pretty much every way possible. It's amazing to me how just a holiday can make things better. Just the "spirit" of Christmas can bring a person from tears of worry and sadness to tears of joy. This Christmas was kind of odd though. It felt like Christmas, but at the same didn't. I really missed my Grandma this's odd to me how she's been gone almost 3 years. It seems like barely 6 months ago to me... everything has been moving so quickly. I look back and my head is spinning at everything I've missed. There are so many more things I've wanted to do by now...I want to slow time so that I can go through and enjoy every beautiful thing that confronts me. I feel like I'm being shoved through a small hole and told that my only objective, my only focus, is BME. I am to have no life, no free time, no friends. I realized over the break that my best friend...the person that I talked to about everything up until college...that I hadn't seen her in 6 months. I found that ridiculous. I know that I'm supposed to be moving beyond everything, but... to leave a best friend behind? Sometimes I look at the path I am leading and wonder if anyone will even be there at the end. In 3, 5 ,10 years, will there be anyone there? I hope so. I've been wondering if the path I have taken is the right one for me. Should I really be an engineer? I mean, come on, look at I look like an "aspiring ENGINEER"??? I don't know what else I would do, but sometimes I think I'm making a bad choice. It's not a very good feeling. Being somewhere you aren't sure you want to be...with nowhere else you want to go... I know what I don't want, but somehow that doesn't narrow it down enough. I just hope I don't end up at the end of a dark tunnel with nothing surrounding me but blank faces and shattered dreams.
So this whole "break" thing...I don't think it understands what it is. It's supposed to be a time between mass schoolwork in which I don't do too much of anything and just kinda sit around and relax and be happy. Well, the break decided to say "fuck you Heather". The first few days were good, but after that it's been filled with lack of sleeping, sleeping pill and anti-twitch cocktails to go to sleep and appointments. Oh, and I found out I'm anemic too. Apparently quite a bit so. That's why (up until a few days ago) I'd been sleeping so much I guess. So the lady told me some stuff to eat and some stuff to drink and etc etc etc, so that's gonna get worked on sometime too. I'm tired of dealing with things, I'm tired of things being my fault, I'm tired of being a terrible person, I'm tired of feeling bad, I'm tired...of being tired. Oh, and Merry Christmas. And if anyone wishes me a Happy Christmahanukwanzmekah I'll kill them. Stupid commercial. I think Blake might have been right, it's going to be the next damn Hallmark holdiay. If they don't sue them for stealing it.....
Ever seen that Christmas story where you have Coldmeiser and Heatmieser? And everything Coldmeiser touches turns to ice and everything Heatmeiser touches melts? Separate, they brought pretty much destruction...but ever wonder what would happen if they both touched the same thing at the same time? Interesting question. Yes, this has purpose... I'm getting there. I think sometimes people don't see things like these. They see the small picture, the petty arguments, the stupid bad things, but don't look at what happens when everything combines. I do it too, and I really should stop. What I'm trying to say is, perhaps we should stand back and look before us, at what we have had part in creating. I know you're probably saying "oh god please don't say we should join hands and sing Kumbaya" No, that's not what I'm saying. All I'm saying is that as of late I think I have missed out on a lot of beautiful and wonderful things that have happened both around me and to me. I have taken words for granted, and only realized this when they were not spoken. I have taken small things that I really do appreciate for granted, once again not realizing until they are removed. I miss them when they are gone, and once they return I cherish them so much more. People as well, though sometimes I don't act apologies for this. I miss people a lot when they're gone...
2 down 2 to go!
2 finals...over! just 2 more on Tuesday and I'm all done. About freakin' time....
So I'm at home to see my puppy, she got home from the vet Tuesday with her heartworm stuff and this is the first chance I've had to come check on her. She's doing really well, which makes me happy :-D
That's pretty much all for now I guess. Going to Jason's Christmas party for his job tomara, that should be fun. :) I miss getting to do stuff like that, especially with him. It's a nice change :-D
Then back to studying... :(
So I'm at home to see my puppy, she got home from the vet Tuesday with her heartworm stuff and this is the first chance I've had to come check on her. She's doing really well, which makes me happy :-D
That's pretty much all for now I guess. Going to Jason's Christmas party for his job tomara, that should be fun. :) I miss getting to do stuff like that, especially with him. It's a nice change :-D
Then back to studying... :(
1 down 3 to go!
So the orgo final. Over. YAAY! And, not to jinx it, but I think I did well. I hope so, I could use the A. Definitely. Next up...engi math. That one could be a bit more difficult, especially since everyone I know that I could study with in the class is...lets say "not doing so well." I wish I knew those smart people who sit in the front and always make A's. FUCK THEM. The assholes. >:( But anyway, I have to do well on my physics final too, if I want the B or maybe MAYBE (slim chance in hell) the B+ that I'm wishing for. Stupid physucks. Grrr. Stupid of stupidness.
So that's about all that's going on. My dog went in to the vet today for her heartworm treatment (that's the price for picking up a stray) but she's so worth it. She's the sweetest thing ever :) even if she doesn't listen too well sometimes. They said she can come home tomorrow or maybe Wednesday depending on how she is, but that so far she's doing really well. Poor pup :( I hope she gets to go home soon.
So that's about all that's going on. My dog went in to the vet today for her heartworm treatment (that's the price for picking up a stray) but she's so worth it. She's the sweetest thing ever :) even if she doesn't listen too well sometimes. They said she can come home tomorrow or maybe Wednesday depending on how she is, but that so far she's doing really well. Poor pup :( I hope she gets to go home soon.
I found a song that I think explains things pretty well...Well I didn't find it really, I was just listening to the CD and was actually listening to this part instead of it being background music, and heard the words and...yeah...
I linger in the doorway
Of alarm clock screaming
Monsters calling my name
Let me stay
Where the wind will whisper to me
Where the raindrops
As they’re falling tell a story
In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me
Don’t say I’m out of touch
With this rampant chaos - your reality
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge
The nightmare I built my own world to escape
In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me
Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights
Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
The goddess of imaginary light
In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me
~Evanescence; Imaginary
My own little world seems so inviting, if people saw it but for just a moment they'd want to take it away...
I linger in the doorway
Of alarm clock screaming
Monsters calling my name
Let me stay
Where the wind will whisper to me
Where the raindrops
As they’re falling tell a story
In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me
Don’t say I’m out of touch
With this rampant chaos - your reality
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge
The nightmare I built my own world to escape
In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me
Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights
Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
The goddess of imaginary light
In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me
~Evanescence; Imaginary
My own little world seems so inviting, if people saw it but for just a moment they'd want to take it away...
So I had a post about everything I feel right now, well kinda...more like everything I feel in comparative terms to things people can understand...but I decided that it would be confused for something else, a rant about Jason (which it was not) a poor me sad story (which it was not) or something else...which it also was not. So it's not there. It's chilling on my computer with all the other blogs that never made it to post. Instead you get bullshit fluff crap about how I had a post but decided that some people shouldn't see my feelings.
Oh and you also get this:
No, no you don't
Oh and you also get this:
No, no you don't
So I want the damn break to be here, I want the semester to be over. I don't get to go to New York this Christmas, that kinda makes me sad, but it makes me look forward to the summer, when I will be able to go. The Thanksgiving trip to New Braunfels... also cancelled because of the rain, that sucks too. Hopefully interesting things will still happen. I almost want to say that I can't wait to go home, I want to see my puppy (it's been over a week). But I know it's gonna be pretty boring otherwise. Which isn't really a problem actually it'll prally be kinda nice....but I know there's so much stuff I need to do over break... and I want to spend time with my family, but all the shit I gotta do is going to keep that from happening excessively... We're going to Cleveland (not Ohio) for T-day, and maybe Saturday or Sunday my mom and I will do Christmas decorating stuff. I can already tell that I'm not going to want to come back to school, and studying for finals is going to be really hard, but hopefully this semester will be rewarding. I'm feeling pretty good about all of my classes (except I'm kinda worried about physics) but his curve and my A on the 1st test should hopeully make that grade bearable. I don't want to inish my stupid makes me sad. So it's 3 am and I have a 1/4 of a page to go. I think I might just fuck with the margins a little. Ok well back to that, I'm pretty much out of stuf to say....
So my Quizilla fix for...a while...
I'm sure it's no big surprise to you that your
romance is The Princess Bride. A heartwarming
tale of "Twue Wuve" that has giants,
Spainards and swashbuckling. You really do
think that love can overcome anything. You may
be a touch naive but your heart is certainly in
the right place. You've probably got one of
those relationships where proper nouns have
been replaced with "Snookums" and
"Pookie Pie". Eww. Beware a cuteness
What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
brought to you by Quizilla
SWEET TEEN!!! Yes you are a teenager mmmm from 13
- 19 quite a little rebel haha just kidding...
You think as a teenager, you see everything
quite simple, soon you will realize it is not
that simple. In my opinion you look at things
in a very beautiful way. =)
. What is you inner age?
brought to you by Quizilla
Orgo test III...finally over. Unfortunately the lab final is Monday. I'm not exactly sure what to expect. Luckily Dr. Bean wrote the fianl instead of the TA's, so maybe it won't be filled with random bullshit that no one knows anyway. I think I did really well on my orgo test, despite the fact that I could have really fucked up a 25 something point section (stupid facts :-/) Oh well, I potentially fixed the 1 point above the curve grade from last time. Hopefully.
So I think that professors shouldn't all think that it's necessary to cram the last bit of shit they feel they need to teach into the last week (or 2 days) before Thanksgiving break. It's like "hey they're getting a break! Let's shove so much shit in before it that it becomes not worth the effort because we're asshole professors! Yaaaay!" Eh, oh well, the semester is almost over, thank goodness. Unfortunately next semester seems like it might be filled with just as much if not more rapage. Stupid ECE classes. Do I look like I want to ever touch a computer for anything but websurfing, AIM, email and the occasional word processing/spreadsheet? Fuck no! If I want something that isn't included in that list done, I'll hire someone to do it. Duh. Which is why all these other people taking these classes are there...and I shouldn't be. The CHEE class I'm taking could be cool. Or really really bad, depending on how Dr. Capitano is. I'm hoping for choice 1.
In other news, my puppy is doing well. Apparently she is a GIANT spaz. heh, which is awesome. But my mom told me that whenever the phone rings in the shop and the door is open, Jackie (the dog) goes in and looks at the phone like "what the hell is that" and then takes a shoe from the shoe rack just below the phone and brings it to her bed. She doesn't chew on them, doesn't do anything to them, just carries it from the rack to her bed. Apparently there was a pile of about 8 shoes there yesterday. Hmm, I think I have a dog who can tell me how many calls I miss while I'm gone. heh. And you thought she was good for nothin'. My mom is making her an appointment with the vet that is going to do her heartworm stuff next week. I really hope I'm home for that so that I can take care of her and make sure she's ok for the month she's gotta be 'waiting'. Poor puppy. She still doesn't understand "fetch" though...we're getting there though....slowly but surely :P
So I think that professors shouldn't all think that it's necessary to cram the last bit of shit they feel they need to teach into the last week (or 2 days) before Thanksgiving break. It's like "hey they're getting a break! Let's shove so much shit in before it that it becomes not worth the effort because we're asshole professors! Yaaaay!" Eh, oh well, the semester is almost over, thank goodness. Unfortunately next semester seems like it might be filled with just as much if not more rapage. Stupid ECE classes. Do I look like I want to ever touch a computer for anything but websurfing, AIM, email and the occasional word processing/spreadsheet? Fuck no! If I want something that isn't included in that list done, I'll hire someone to do it. Duh. Which is why all these other people taking these classes are there...and I shouldn't be. The CHEE class I'm taking could be cool. Or really really bad, depending on how Dr. Capitano is. I'm hoping for choice 1.
In other news, my puppy is doing well. Apparently she is a GIANT spaz. heh, which is awesome. But my mom told me that whenever the phone rings in the shop and the door is open, Jackie (the dog) goes in and looks at the phone like "what the hell is that" and then takes a shoe from the shoe rack just below the phone and brings it to her bed. She doesn't chew on them, doesn't do anything to them, just carries it from the rack to her bed. Apparently there was a pile of about 8 shoes there yesterday. Hmm, I think I have a dog who can tell me how many calls I miss while I'm gone. heh. And you thought she was good for nothin'. My mom is making her an appointment with the vet that is going to do her heartworm stuff next week. I really hope I'm home for that so that I can take care of her and make sure she's ok for the month she's gotta be 'waiting'. Poor puppy. She still doesn't understand "fetch" though...we're getting there though....slowly but surely :P
I'm tired of feeling this way. I feel like I'm failing in all aspects of life. I was doing so well, and then all of a sudden, everything gets all fucked up. I can't have the things I want, I don't want the things I'm getting and I'm not getting anything. I feel like I should just quit at life and go live under a bridge.
On the bright side my puppy remembers me and follows me around when I'm home. I think I should just stay with her all the time. She makes me happy, like maybe I actually did something right.
Back to orgo I guess...... *sigh*
On the bright side my puppy remembers me and follows me around when I'm home. I think I should just stay with her all the time. She makes me happy, like maybe I actually did something right.
Back to orgo I guess...... *sigh*
Take the What
animal best portrays your sexual appetite?? Quiz
Apparently my blog has become boring, nobody seems to comment whatever....
Burnout. Not the game either.
So organic make Heather cry. I don't want to study just because I don't want to see just how much I don't know. I guess everybody was right. I shouldn't have spent all summer in school, I'm burnt out. I don't want to study, I don't want to be in class, I just want to do nothing. Like this weekend, Jason and I went to my house and ended up helping my uncle move all the brush on his land into piles and burn it. It was good. I wasn't doing school, I wasn't doing med center crap, I wasn't doing nothing, I was just doing something that felt like I was getting something accomplished. *sigh* looking forward to Thanksgiving break, maybe going to New Braunfels with Jason. Looking forward to Christmas Break, ending this semester, maybe going to NY again, relaxing, maybe a job in addition to med ctr stuff....maybe not. We'll see. Yeah, looking forward to a lot of stuff that isn't right now. Wishing it kinda was. That's about it, I'm forcing myself to go study now. An A or B is necessary for this exam and I'm going to get it dammit.
Learning? In an education?
This might seem like an ordinary rant, but I think I actually might have something profound. Maybe? I dunno, if you don't want to read the rant, jsut skip down to the end. *shrug* it might be worth your while. Then again, it might not and you will have just wasted your time.
So I was doing well. And then something happened. I don't know what though. And now I have to double my efforts from the beginning of the year to fix it. I hate school. I hate work. I almost wish I wouldn't have gotten my stipend so I wouldn't feel obliged to go. Next semester is going to be hell. I think it would be OK if I didn't have to take the stupid fucking ECE classes. Do I look like an electrical engineer? Do I look like I know shit about computers? NO. And I don't really mind keeping it that way. Fuck 'em. I was looking at other schools BIOE programs, they make ours look like shit. Absolute shit. I mean we don't even take a fucking biology class for godsakes. And all we take is other engineering majors classes. We don't even have our own. You would think if they're going to make this program they would want it to succeed. Not be fucking retards about it and run a program thats starting from the ground up deeper into the ground. Honestly, I think like 1 person is truly working for the program instead of for their own personal interests and benefit. Franchek is a fake who got his way to the top by smiling and sucking up. Metcalfe is a good guy honestly, but he seems like he's got far too much on his plate to deal with this right now. I'm not too sure about the faculty they just brought in, they're obviously more faculty members than people fixing the program. Dr. Tran, it seems, is the only one really interested in the students; what we have to say, what we're going through, what seems like it will be the best option for us. She really seems like the only one who is open to not only faculty ideas, but student ideas as well. And I hold a lot of respect of her for this. Dr. Metcalfe as well, because it kind of seems as if he just got responsibilities pushed onto him by everyone at the start of the program. I dunno, I guess this is what being in a pilot program means: literally just making it up as you go. But one would think that they would plan just a little further ahead as to not make the students suffer quite so much at the very last minute. But I guess that learning isn't what an education is all about anymore. It's a business just like any other business, and for that I think we will dearly pay. Quite soon perhaps too. But that's just my opinion.
So I was doing well. And then something happened. I don't know what though. And now I have to double my efforts from the beginning of the year to fix it. I hate school. I hate work. I almost wish I wouldn't have gotten my stipend so I wouldn't feel obliged to go. Next semester is going to be hell. I think it would be OK if I didn't have to take the stupid fucking ECE classes. Do I look like an electrical engineer? Do I look like I know shit about computers? NO. And I don't really mind keeping it that way. Fuck 'em. I was looking at other schools BIOE programs, they make ours look like shit. Absolute shit. I mean we don't even take a fucking biology class for godsakes. And all we take is other engineering majors classes. We don't even have our own. You would think if they're going to make this program they would want it to succeed. Not be fucking retards about it and run a program thats starting from the ground up deeper into the ground. Honestly, I think like 1 person is truly working for the program instead of for their own personal interests and benefit. Franchek is a fake who got his way to the top by smiling and sucking up. Metcalfe is a good guy honestly, but he seems like he's got far too much on his plate to deal with this right now. I'm not too sure about the faculty they just brought in, they're obviously more faculty members than people fixing the program. Dr. Tran, it seems, is the only one really interested in the students; what we have to say, what we're going through, what seems like it will be the best option for us. She really seems like the only one who is open to not only faculty ideas, but student ideas as well. And I hold a lot of respect of her for this. Dr. Metcalfe as well, because it kind of seems as if he just got responsibilities pushed onto him by everyone at the start of the program. I dunno, I guess this is what being in a pilot program means: literally just making it up as you go. But one would think that they would plan just a little further ahead as to not make the students suffer quite so much at the very last minute. But I guess that learning isn't what an education is all about anymore. It's a business just like any other business, and for that I think we will dearly pay. Quite soon perhaps too. But that's just my opinion.
I don't know what to do. I think I hit that "I don't know what I want to do with my life" stage that most people hit when they're like...12. All my life I've known what I wanted. Literally since I was 3 years old. has lost the shiny appealing feeling. I was talking to Jason and Hartschuh (or rather they were talking and I was just kind of listening and interjecting a little. But they're right. Doctors have become like fucking lawyers. Begging people to come to them and not 'the next guy.' Sure, maybe when I'm 50 and established I'll make a few bucks. But only after I charge the poor dying 5 year old kid $80,000 for a new kidney...and that's just my fee. Not to mention the $400 a month anti rejection medication he'll have to be on. Doctors here depress me more everyday. But still, even without that I don't know what I want to do. Honestly, I'm getting really tired of going to the med center. It was really interesting, until I pretty much found out that the things I could try to find didn't exist and that I was too stupid (or rather "didn't have the knowledge") to know how to come up with something that would work. Honestly, I'm not even sure what's being done. Everything of importance I find out or try to do I assemble and give to my boss, but really I don't hear much of anything back. I'm not exactly sure what it is that is being done right now, but it seems like a hell-lot-of-nothing.
And classes. I think the goal at this university is to screw people over. To keep them here as long as possible and to make as many schedule conflicts as you can. I have the choice of either taking the "good" professors for my classes and ending up having class 10-12 and 12-6 on Friday, with exams 3x from 7-830... OR taking the profs that people say "NO DON'T TAKE THEM!!!" and having less class everyday...i.e. spread out stuff. Damn, I love college. The screw-you-over-while-I-take-your-money attitude, the living in a cement box, the overpriced and undernourishing food. Yes, I totally understand why people want to stay in college forever. It makes perfect sense. Any more sense and I think I might believe myself.
But I should end on a good note. Things this semester are going decently. Smoothly, even. No mental breakdowns, no C's or C-'s (at least not so far). I should be happy for that which I have, instead of dreading that which is to come. Appreciative of the hours I am able to spend on comprehending what I'm doing instead of the pointless hours spent not understanding like last year. Ecstatic that my relationship...IS now a relationship. And I am all of these things. Honestly, this is the best semester I have had so far. I just wish that I could carry that on. Instead I feel as if next semester might just make me go insane. Yay.
Oh, and what would people think if my hair looked like this? Comments welcome.
And classes. I think the goal at this university is to screw people over. To keep them here as long as possible and to make as many schedule conflicts as you can. I have the choice of either taking the "good" professors for my classes and ending up having class 10-12 and 12-6 on Friday, with exams 3x from 7-830... OR taking the profs that people say "NO DON'T TAKE THEM!!!" and having less class everyday...i.e. spread out stuff. Damn, I love college. The screw-you-over-while-I-take-your-money attitude, the living in a cement box, the overpriced and undernourishing food. Yes, I totally understand why people want to stay in college forever. It makes perfect sense. Any more sense and I think I might believe myself.
But I should end on a good note. Things this semester are going decently. Smoothly, even. No mental breakdowns, no C's or C-'s (at least not so far). I should be happy for that which I have, instead of dreading that which is to come. Appreciative of the hours I am able to spend on comprehending what I'm doing instead of the pointless hours spent not understanding like last year. Ecstatic that my relationship...IS now a relationship. And I am all of these things. Honestly, this is the best semester I have had so far. I just wish that I could carry that on. Instead I feel as if next semester might just make me go insane. Yay.
Oh, and what would people think if my hair looked like this? Comments welcome.
So orgo. Bad. BAD. But I beat the curve (after asking for regrade) so I guess I'm happy. Had an engi math test today. super rapage. :( But apparently everyone did bad. Even the people who knew what they were doing. So that makes me feel a little better I guess. *sigh* :(
Voted. YAY! I have a say in what happens to my country. Well, kinda... you know....aloing with the other 20 bazillion people. But my vote DOES count :) so does yours if you voted.
I don't really have much to say...obviously. yeah kinda bored. BORED. booooooorrrrrrreeeeeeddddddd.
Voted. YAY! I have a say in what happens to my country. Well, kinda... you know....aloing with the other 20 bazillion people. But my vote DOES count :) so does yours if you voted.
I don't really have much to say...obviously. yeah kinda bored. BORED. booooooorrrrrrreeeeeeddddddd.
Not sure what's going on. Should be studying for my organic test that is in 3 hours 19 minutes and counting. But I can't concentrate too well right now. I guess I'll find out later.
Otherwise, not much going on. I'm going home tomorrow, presumably with Jason, because my mom wants me to watch my little sister. It'll be nice I guess, see my family and all, after all it has been like 2 weeks or something. And like 4 or 5 days since I've even talked to any of them. Went to the doctor, found out I'm normal. Yay for genericism. (deleted by the way) The one time I don't mind being normal is stuff like that.
I dunno, I think I'm doing everything I need to be, then randomly "I'm not." It kinda sucks. I guess that life, change is the only constant.
I was thinking about relationships the other day (not only mine, in general also). And how once you do something, it's really hard to not continue. Like how do you go 17 years sleeping alone and then after just a few weeks of having someone beside you, it seems so hard to sleep by yourself? Since when does a twin bed seem "too big" for just you? I've talked to other people who have said the same things, so I don't think it's just me. Maybe Foamy is right...we all just sit around trying to validate ourselves by being in a relationship, but when I turn and see a smiling sleepy face staring at me every morning (not so much anymore since it leaves at 645, but still, you know what I mean) it makes me pretty freakin' happy.
Well, down to 3 hours 6 minutes til orgo I should probably look over those reactions some more.
Otherwise, not much going on. I'm going home tomorrow, presumably with Jason, because my mom wants me to watch my little sister. It'll be nice I guess, see my family and all, after all it has been like 2 weeks or something. And like 4 or 5 days since I've even talked to any of them. Went to the doctor, found out I'm normal. Yay for genericism. (deleted by the way) The one time I don't mind being normal is stuff like that.
I dunno, I think I'm doing everything I need to be, then randomly "I'm not." It kinda sucks. I guess that life, change is the only constant.
I was thinking about relationships the other day (not only mine, in general also). And how once you do something, it's really hard to not continue. Like how do you go 17 years sleeping alone and then after just a few weeks of having someone beside you, it seems so hard to sleep by yourself? Since when does a twin bed seem "too big" for just you? I've talked to other people who have said the same things, so I don't think it's just me. Maybe Foamy is right...we all just sit around trying to validate ourselves by being in a relationship, but when I turn and see a smiling sleepy face staring at me every morning (not so much anymore since it leaves at 645, but still, you know what I mean) it makes me pretty freakin' happy.
Well, down to 3 hours 6 minutes til orgo I should probably look over those reactions some more.
I should have something to say...
Studying for Orgo test. It's not this Friday but next. I think even if I put 30 hours into it, it might still rape me. Not gonna be fun. I guess I need to understand how to put something 3-D on paper better. *sigh* Maybe that's why I like the ones that aren't meant to be 3-D. They're just flat. It makes me happy.
Kinda worried about things that are happening. Hopefully Monday will clear all that up. Til then, I guess I just have to wait. And hope it's not bad. Maybe I'm just retarded? I'd take that over some of the alternatives. Willingly.
I was reading the card Jason gave me at the beginning of the semester today. It makes me sad to see that I almost screwed up just like he did. But it makes me happy to see that I didn't. That I was willing to work it out. It makes me even happier to see that he was as well. I think we progressed farther in 2 weeks than we ever had before. I made another blog then, one that people could see but no one knew about - to express feelings I didn't feel I could express to him. It didn't help. You know what did? Telling him how I felt. Talking through half the night. Just talking. Hearing him say things that were relevant, not just random shit. Hearing about his life before me, hearing about things that were totally new to me. It's made it kind of bother me that it seems people don't think he has feelings. That they can say whatever they want to him, about him...just whatever they want...and he won't be affected. *sigh* Definitely not true. Sometimes I forget that. But I think most of the time everyone else does.
Anyway, that's just something I've noticed. I've also noticed that they're by one...powerwashing the buildings on campus. I think that they look really good. I'm glad they're taking initiative to make the campus look nice. Perhaps next someone will do something about the terrible roads around here. *shrug* One battle at a time I suppose.
Back to studying orgo it is. Because I don't want the raping that will follow if I don't. Oh, and engi the suck. But not as bad as physics. Which is the super suck. And history is just boring. I think that's why I want to do so well in orgo. It's the only class I'm taking this semester that I really like. Like enjoy. Like it's interesting. Like I'm taking orgo II, (for premed req) but I think I might've anyway, even though it's not in my degree plan. Maybe I should've done something more chem related. Eh, who knows.
Studying for Orgo test. It's not this Friday but next. I think even if I put 30 hours into it, it might still rape me. Not gonna be fun. I guess I need to understand how to put something 3-D on paper better. *sigh* Maybe that's why I like the ones that aren't meant to be 3-D. They're just flat. It makes me happy.
Kinda worried about things that are happening. Hopefully Monday will clear all that up. Til then, I guess I just have to wait. And hope it's not bad. Maybe I'm just retarded? I'd take that over some of the alternatives. Willingly.
I was reading the card Jason gave me at the beginning of the semester today. It makes me sad to see that I almost screwed up just like he did. But it makes me happy to see that I didn't. That I was willing to work it out. It makes me even happier to see that he was as well. I think we progressed farther in 2 weeks than we ever had before. I made another blog then, one that people could see but no one knew about - to express feelings I didn't feel I could express to him. It didn't help. You know what did? Telling him how I felt. Talking through half the night. Just talking. Hearing him say things that were relevant, not just random shit. Hearing about his life before me, hearing about things that were totally new to me. It's made it kind of bother me that it seems people don't think he has feelings. That they can say whatever they want to him, about him...just whatever they want...and he won't be affected. *sigh* Definitely not true. Sometimes I forget that. But I think most of the time everyone else does.
Anyway, that's just something I've noticed. I've also noticed that they're by one...powerwashing the buildings on campus. I think that they look really good. I'm glad they're taking initiative to make the campus look nice. Perhaps next someone will do something about the terrible roads around here. *shrug* One battle at a time I suppose.
Back to studying orgo it is. Because I don't want the raping that will follow if I don't. Oh, and engi the suck. But not as bad as physics. Which is the super suck. And history is just boring. I think that's why I want to do so well in orgo. It's the only class I'm taking this semester that I really like. Like enjoy. Like it's interesting. Like I'm taking orgo II, (for premed req) but I think I might've anyway, even though it's not in my degree plan. Maybe I should've done something more chem related. Eh, who knows.
Disorder | Rating |
Paranoid: | Moderate |
Schizoid: | Low |
Schizotypal: | Very High |
Antisocial: | Low |
Borderline: | Very High |
Histrionic: | High |
Narcissistic: | Moderate |
Avoidant: | Very High |
Dependent: | Very High |
Obsessive-Compulsive: | High |
-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! -- |
Wow, yay for being a nutzo. *gasp*
Yes, I did steal this from Brittnee's blog. It was too crazy to only be posted in one place I think. Perhaps he shouldn't get a new penis if he was dumb enough to piss the old one away? Literally...
Anyway, not much going on here, lots of organic studying. I'm not freaked out about the test yet, but I do have 2 more practice tests to do (granted I've done decently well on the first 2) We shall see, we shall see... My goal: beat a 97. Guess whose 97 it is :P But hey, at least I've got goals, right? Yeah, that's what I thought. I thought I'd get a little time off after my orgo test Friday, but it seems that Saturday morning/afternoon (depending on when I get up :P) I'm going up to the Woodlands to catch up on all the engi math I've fallen behind on due to all my orgo studying. (for that test Tuesday) Ah, and just when I thought I'd get a break comes the phys test that I will be studying for from Tuesday til Friday. Then, after much toil, I do get a break. Which makes me happy. Very happy. YAY. Ooh, why am I even writing this? I need to be studying. Oops. Byebye.
Anyway, not much going on here, lots of organic studying. I'm not freaked out about the test yet, but I do have 2 more practice tests to do (granted I've done decently well on the first 2) We shall see, we shall see... My goal: beat a 97. Guess whose 97 it is :P But hey, at least I've got goals, right? Yeah, that's what I thought. I thought I'd get a little time off after my orgo test Friday, but it seems that Saturday morning/afternoon (depending on when I get up :P) I'm going up to the Woodlands to catch up on all the engi math I've fallen behind on due to all my orgo studying. (for that test Tuesday) Ah, and just when I thought I'd get a break comes the phys test that I will be studying for from Tuesday til Friday. Then, after much toil, I do get a break. Which makes me happy. Very happy. YAY. Ooh, why am I even writing this? I need to be studying. Oops. Byebye.
You know that feeling you get when you do something that comes from the back of your mind and you just type it and don't really know exactly what you're saying? And you look back and you read it and somehow it makes sense and you feel a little bit better because you got something out that wasn't really bothering you and isn't truly the way you feel, but it's that little nagging thing that you think about every once in a while? I shouldn't do that anymore, because when people do the same in response to sucks a lot and makes me feel like I'm a bad person. I think I might start another blog besides this one with a random name just to post stuff like that on. I dunno, that way I could get it out and say it but it wouldn't be something people would read so I wouldn't hurt anyone and so no one would hurt me. Perhaps thats a good idea.
Ever dislike someone so much that just so much as seeing them makes you want to explode? That hearing about their well-being makes you angry? That knowing that somehow there is someone out there who could like them gives you a feeling of utter confusion? This "you are the most terrible person in the world" mentality doesn't come from nowhere. It stems from something, and I believe that it will be there until something changes. A lot has changed, granted - and that I am thankful for because I don't think my situation would be the same had nothing changed. Maybe I'm just stingy or something, because as thankful as I am (perhaps I haven't expressed my gratitude as much as I mean to) it seems that it still isn't good enough. Maybe that's my fault, maybe I'm a giant hypocrite, but I guess I can't stop the way I feel. And right now I feel like what "should be good enough" isn't. Every time I see it i get angry, every time I get angry I leave and every time I leave all I can think about is the past. And I see it again. And again and again, every time it's "different" but every time it's the same.
I think that a "fresh start" is impossible, life is tainted and molded by the past, the past is what keeps you from doing things you would want to, the past is what makes you do things you don't. I don't think "forgive and forget" exists either. It pretends to, or rather, a person pretends to, may even actually forgive, but the incident is never forgotten. There is always that thought in the back of one's mind... "They did it before, what's stopping them from doing it again?" This is the biggest factor in tainting the past I think. Stupid decisions that are "forgiven and forgotten" but not really. I think people believe that they are forgotten, but there still is the underlying resentment, even if it's just a tiny bit. I think that people enjoy the pain that comes with failure, otherwise they wouldn't screw up so often.
I think that I have no idea what I just came and went without my mind processing it. Take that as you will....
I think that a "fresh start" is impossible, life is tainted and molded by the past, the past is what keeps you from doing things you would want to, the past is what makes you do things you don't. I don't think "forgive and forget" exists either. It pretends to, or rather, a person pretends to, may even actually forgive, but the incident is never forgotten. There is always that thought in the back of one's mind... "They did it before, what's stopping them from doing it again?" This is the biggest factor in tainting the past I think. Stupid decisions that are "forgiven and forgotten" but not really. I think people believe that they are forgotten, but there still is the underlying resentment, even if it's just a tiny bit. I think that people enjoy the pain that comes with failure, otherwise they wouldn't screw up so often.
I think that I have no idea what I just came and went without my mind processing it. Take that as you will....
I just read Brittnee's latest chica where did that come from??? hehe freakin' awesome. I had to say something about it, I just had to. :P For those of you too lazy to click on the link....shame on you I'm not going to steal it from her. Click on the damn link. CLICK ON IT! Oh, and Jason: you need to update. I'm tired of looking at the really old blog. too. The angry Amanda post is old :P So hah!
I don't want to finish my paper. I'm at the 3 and 1/2 page point and I'm stuck. I really need to finish it because I've got physics to do and I want to get it to Blake so he can look over it without being rushed or annoyed. *sigh* This is why I'm an engineer and not a "liberal arts/social science" major. A few of us were talking about the term 'social science'. But I'm not going to get into that now. Instead I'm going to make myself finish my paper. Yes, finish the paper, Heather, finish the paper....
I don't want to finish my paper. I'm at the 3 and 1/2 page point and I'm stuck. I really need to finish it because I've got physics to do and I want to get it to Blake so he can look over it without being rushed or annoyed. *sigh* This is why I'm an engineer and not a "liberal arts/social science" major. A few of us were talking about the term 'social science'. But I'm not going to get into that now. Instead I'm going to make myself finish my paper. Yes, finish the paper, Heather, finish the paper....
Is gratuity the right word?
I've decided that people call far too much attention to themselves. I really wish my digital camera still worked. In fact, I might buy a new one. I think I am going to set up a photo blog based on the pictures of terribly gratuitous things. This started as my comment of "the gratuitous truck of the day" speaking about all of the giant, jacked up, 'penis compensating' trucks out there with the bars and the lights and god knows what else. I might see them as slightly less gratuitous if they weren't squeaky fucking clean. I mean these trucks have never even seen dirt. *sigh* Yes, this is how it started. And then came the creepy lady who must've been in her late 30s to early 40s (ie supposed to be professional the workforce) with bright pink hair. I mean hot pink and down near her waist. She became gratuitous person #1. Now I search for these people, vehicles, and other gratuitous things, hoping to find them and wishing I had a camera. So if you see a link go up on the side of my blog or in my profile, click on might be funny....or at the least....gratuitous :P
You've had warning.
You've had warning.
How Many Licks...?
A group of engineering students from Purdue University recorded that their licking machine, modeled after a human tongue, took an average of 364 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. They tried the same licking test on 20 volunteers and found that the average licks to the center were 252 licks.
A chemical engineering doctorate student from the University of Michigan recorded that his licking machine required an average of 411 licks per Tootsie Pop.
A group of students at Swathmore School used human lickers in a scientific experiment and determined it took an average of 144 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.
Based on the wide range of results from these scientific studies, it is clear that the world may never know how many licks it really takes to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop.
A chemical engineering doctorate student from the University of Michigan recorded that his licking machine required an average of 411 licks per Tootsie Pop.
A group of students at Swathmore School used human lickers in a scientific experiment and determined it took an average of 144 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.
Based on the wide range of results from these scientific studies, it is clear that the world may never know how many licks it really takes to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop.
Figured I'd seems necessary. Class is going suprisingly well so far... I'm impressed. I've been studying and doing my work and trying to keep up; and thus far it's been working and I feel like I comprehend everything I need to be comprehending. I need to look over some Orgo stuff cuz we learned some new structure diagrams (I think that's what they're called) yesterday, and I have to finish my lab to turn in tomorrow, and I need to finish my engi math stuff, but I think I can do the last two pretty quickly and then spend some quality time with my giant orgo book doing examples to make sure I understand. Because understanding is good.
Ok, so that was the "nerd" section of my post...where I talk about class and HW and stuff...
I think I've realized some important feelings/emotions in the last few days. I've realized what it's like to push a choice and get nowhere and then give up and stop pushing and somehow it all falls into place. I've realized what it's like to feel guilty about not feeling guilty (think about that one, I think it makes sense?) I've realized that maybe the past should be put there and the future should stay there...and maybe I should just live for the moment because that's all I really have. I think the more that I start to look to the future and try to mold it into what I want to be and where I want to be and what I want to be doing the more I screw it up. Maybe that's "something" telling me that I should stop trying to fuck with things and just go. Stop uncertainties and decide...all that kind of thing.
Have you ever heard about something and felt bad about what happened and then you hear who it's about and you don't feel bad anymore? Is that "wrong"? Yes, I'm being vague. No it's probably not what you're thinking. Comments welcome. Really.
Ok, so that was the "nerd" section of my post...where I talk about class and HW and stuff...
I think I've realized some important feelings/emotions in the last few days. I've realized what it's like to push a choice and get nowhere and then give up and stop pushing and somehow it all falls into place. I've realized what it's like to feel guilty about not feeling guilty (think about that one, I think it makes sense?) I've realized that maybe the past should be put there and the future should stay there...and maybe I should just live for the moment because that's all I really have. I think the more that I start to look to the future and try to mold it into what I want to be and where I want to be and what I want to be doing the more I screw it up. Maybe that's "something" telling me that I should stop trying to fuck with things and just go. Stop uncertainties and decide...all that kind of thing.
Have you ever heard about something and felt bad about what happened and then you hear who it's about and you don't feel bad anymore? Is that "wrong"? Yes, I'm being vague. No it's probably not what you're thinking. Comments welcome. Really.
So, school has started now...suprisingly more of a letdown than I would have hoped. I mean, it's great to be back in the dorms (ie away from home), it's great to see everyone again, it's great to be back....but so much crap that I've had to deal with already. Jeez..! But eh it's not that important. What's important is that after the not-so-good summer, I'm back to things being okay. We're back to it too. Which is good.
I went for a little while kind of lost....I didn't know where I wanted to be, who I wanted to be. I led myself astray; I was both the wolf and the sheep. I felt as if what had seemed so right wasn't -- like I had been turned upside down and shaken until my brain oozed out my ears. I think I can say that I've stuffed by brain back in and things seem to be calming, more things are being realized, less forgotten. I want to find myself still, I'm climbing my way back, one hand over the other... "a tenth of a mile at a time". I want everything to be allright, I would say that I want the world, but I don't. The world is a terrible terrible place, and I think I am much happier here, with just a small part of it.
I went for a little while kind of lost....I didn't know where I wanted to be, who I wanted to be. I led myself astray; I was both the wolf and the sheep. I felt as if what had seemed so right wasn't -- like I had been turned upside down and shaken until my brain oozed out my ears. I think I can say that I've stuffed by brain back in and things seem to be calming, more things are being realized, less forgotten. I want to find myself still, I'm climbing my way back, one hand over the other... "a tenth of a mile at a time". I want everything to be allright, I would say that I want the world, but I don't. The world is a terrible terrible place, and I think I am much happier here, with just a small part of it.
Go to sleep, tiny dancer...
I had such a fun week last week, hung out with really awesome people that I'm gonna miss lots :( (come visit!) saw lots of funny movies, played pool, had good food (the molten chocolate thingy at Chili's ROCKS) and lots of other stuff.
Can't wait til I get back to a decent net connection so I can d/l music at a reasonable speed again. Started packing about...30 minutes ago. Yay for moving back to UH. I'm so excited :) About retreat too. Can't wait to see everyone again and meet all the new people and all that. I've decided that college would be great if it weren't for all the damn classes. I might go to Austin over Labor Day to see Alana at UT, since she's come down here like twice now (granted she did live here for like...til she graduated) I dunno, it's all still in the planning stages, we'll see as it gets close I suppose...class might prove more bastardly even than I plan....and I plan on it being pretty bastardly...
Hmm, well I should probably finish packing and loading shit into my car so I can leave ASAP tomorrow...don't want to be here any longer than I have really. I don't. At all. Not even a little.
Can't wait til I get back to a decent net connection so I can d/l music at a reasonable speed again. Started packing about...30 minutes ago. Yay for moving back to UH. I'm so excited :) About retreat too. Can't wait to see everyone again and meet all the new people and all that. I've decided that college would be great if it weren't for all the damn classes. I might go to Austin over Labor Day to see Alana at UT, since she's come down here like twice now (granted she did live here for like...til she graduated) I dunno, it's all still in the planning stages, we'll see as it gets close I suppose...class might prove more bastardly even than I plan....and I plan on it being pretty bastardly...
Hmm, well I should probably finish packing and loading shit into my car so I can leave ASAP tomorrow...don't want to be here any longer than I have really. I don't. At all. Not even a little.
I went to this really awesome Cajun restaurant with Chris last night before the random concert thing. It was really good, one of those little restaurants not many people know about kind of things...great gumbo (not as good as Shana's mommys gumbo though of course) So then we went to the random concert at this random place and watched people mosh because Chris got to be the "hold-the-money-box" bitch. I thought the band was pretty good, a lot of "screamy" bands (for lack of time to think of a better word) don't do it very well, but they were definitely an exception to that. Still not sure what Roman was saying, but it sounded good :P Saw the first Spiderman finally so now I can go see the 2nd one.
I've also realized that playing pool is really fun. I think it's totally dependent on the people you're with, but then again I guess that goes for everything... and I think it's kind of made me realize that some people just try not to have fun. I'm not sure how to explain it, it's like maybe they think they're "too mature" for fun or something, but whatever. I don't think that's what maturity is. But if it is, I think I'll pass. Fuck that, I can be serious and work-oriented. But that doesn't mean I don't want to have fun when I'm done.
Well, I'm off for another exciting night of "hmm, what should I do tonight...? *ring ring* hey, what's up yeah I'm pretty bored no I dunno what I'm doing tonight oh yeah? sure, sounds cool. *hang up* mom I'm going out, be back later no mom I don't know what we're doing i ever? ok mom I'll call... *door shuts, car starts*"
Wow, that was spastic :P Somehow it always ends up being fun though :-D yay!
I've also realized that playing pool is really fun. I think it's totally dependent on the people you're with, but then again I guess that goes for everything... and I think it's kind of made me realize that some people just try not to have fun. I'm not sure how to explain it, it's like maybe they think they're "too mature" for fun or something, but whatever. I don't think that's what maturity is. But if it is, I think I'll pass. Fuck that, I can be serious and work-oriented. But that doesn't mean I don't want to have fun when I'm done.
Well, I'm off for another exciting night of "hmm, what should I do tonight...? *ring ring*
Wow, that was spastic :P Somehow it always ends up being fun though :-D yay!
Went to play pool, it was super fun, I should do that more often. :P Got to see a few people that I haven't seen in almost a year and some people I see on a more regular basis, at least for the summer
We were gonna go to Le Behr's but it got too late too quick, so that trip got postponed. Then we were gonna go swimming but by the time everybody got something to swim in and we got to the hotel that we know the guy who works there only like 2 people were left ready to swim... so that fell thru too. So we just ended up pretty much playing pool and then driving around. But it was SOOO fun :)
Oh man, what now? :-/ Yipe....
We were gonna go to Le Behr's but it got too late too quick, so that trip got postponed. Then we were gonna go swimming but by the time everybody got something to swim in and we got to the hotel that we know the guy who works there only like 2 people were left ready to swim... so that fell thru too. So we just ended up pretty much playing pool and then driving around. But it was SOOO fun :)
Oh man, what now? :-/ Yipe....
Adiuva Me
I guess my recent blogs must not be very interesting to anyone...not a single comment since the 29th...and lotsa people are reading...or at least pretending to I guess. Eh, whatever, this place is more for me anyway, you just get to look at it. And comment. Or not :P
Saw Manchurian Candidate tonight. Denzel Washington, once again, amazing. Liev Schreiber, also, amazing. The movie, twisted as hell. Overall, very good.
I think I should take a vacation to Fiji. A really long one. I think the word for that is 'move'.
So after feeling absolutely wonderful after frisbee last night, tonight I think I might dig a really big hole and live there for eternity. Yay for a giant river of emotion toppling over my tettering wall of sanity. Maybe I should just play frisbee everyday or least then I'd have more contact with people than a blinking monitor. Maybe that's my problem...I don't get out enough. But probably not.
Radio - Alkaline Trio another favorite song of the moment, along with
The Freshman - The Verve Pipe
Saw Manchurian Candidate tonight. Denzel Washington, once again, amazing. Liev Schreiber, also, amazing. The movie, twisted as hell. Overall, very good.
I think I should take a vacation to Fiji. A really long one. I think the word for that is 'move'.
So after feeling absolutely wonderful after frisbee last night, tonight I think I might dig a really big hole and live there for eternity. Yay for a giant river of emotion toppling over my tettering wall of sanity. Maybe I should just play frisbee everyday or least then I'd have more contact with people than a blinking monitor. Maybe that's my problem...I don't get out enough. But probably not.
Radio - Alkaline Trio another favorite song of the moment, along with
The Freshman - The Verve Pipe
I'm completely down-to-earth! Find your soul type at
You are the most in touch with knowledge. It's the tree of life from which you tap the sap. You know what you want and you know how to reasonably get it.
Virtues: You respect people with plans. When someone has their head on their shoulders, you know that they can see straightforward and keep their eyes on the mark. When it comes to looking at the future, you take a logical approach: what's within your ability? A fortunate attribute that you have is the ability to set a goal for yourself, higher than maybe you feel possible, but still keep yourself within reasonable bounds. You take the time to appreciate those surrounding you and they do appreciate you in return. Decision-making comes naturally to you when you take the time to consider each option. People only come to talk to you when they are looking for a logical, reasonable solution.
Aspirations: You have an idea of what you can do with your life, but you push it up a notch. You need a profession that you can enjoy, so work towards it. You want to live near your friends and family while being as far away as possible. You also want to settle down while working in excitement and variation.
Quirks: You don't appreciate drama queens and they don't appreciate you. When they need help, they won't seek you out because of your ability to see through their overly dramatic predicaments. You have leeway for humor, and sometimes love to participate in it, but when it becomes irrational behavior, others can count you out. Loud noises are bothersome, except when they come from you or your friends.
Factors: Reach for the sky! Don't decide to do something because you're merely good at it, but choose something you might like to do, despite whether you're sure you can master it or not. Don't only save room for a few empathetic friends, but open up to everyone.
Future: When looking for a job, if you work in all of your talents (logic, decision-making, planning, and definitely humor), you'll find yourself happy. Come to a compromise for location; live nearby your friends and take periodic vacations or live farther away and take frequent return trips.
So you know when you were a little kid and some kid did something mean to you and you told your mom/dad and they went out and "talked" to the kid and everything was "all better"? Yeah, why are problems so much harder to solve now? What did our parents do to fix whatever was wrong and why can't we do the same and fix the problems now? *sigh*
"Domine, Domine, Deus
Domine, Adiuva Me"
So I think I pretty much found people to fix my computer. I'm looking at 2 companies; one I will order the screen and casing from and replace it myself, and the other I will take my computer to and they will put a new screen into the existing casing (ie I couldn't do that myself) So the company I'd order from is cheaper, but in like...Pennsylvania or something. The other company is slightly more expensive, but they'd be doing all the install stuff, with warranty (not that I trust warranties anymore...) and they're close, somewhere downtown. So one way my comp would be out of comission for a bit, the other I'd take to them and have it back a few hours later... we'll see soon I guess.
"Domine, Domine, Deus
Domine, Adiuva Me"
So I think I pretty much found people to fix my computer. I'm looking at 2 companies; one I will order the screen and casing from and replace it myself, and the other I will take my computer to and they will put a new screen into the existing casing (ie I couldn't do that myself) So the company I'd order from is cheaper, but in like...Pennsylvania or something. The other company is slightly more expensive, but they'd be doing all the install stuff, with warranty (not that I trust warranties anymore...) and they're close, somewhere downtown. So one way my comp would be out of comission for a bit, the other I'd take to them and have it back a few hours later... we'll see soon I guess.
So recently an old song has come to mind a lot. I'm not sure why, granted it used to be one of my favorite songs, but it just seems kind of odd that it would come up now. As I sit here, it seems that the lyrics are the only thing that run through my head, that they are all I can really fixate my thoughts on, though so many other things run through my thoughts that is the only one that has stayed undaunted through the last few days. I find myself singing it at splashtown, humming it in my room, thinking about it as I lay down to sleep. Funny how these things come up at just a moment when you think they never would.
I was reading Kellie's blog and about how she said that through all the problems she's had, happiness was never one of them. I found that to be amazing. Granted I haven't had a terrible life by any stretch of the imagination, especially compared to the things she's put up with for so long, but it seems like happiness is like the tide; it's something that comes and goes for me. I've not ever really been at a point where I "wasn't sure" if I was happy or not. I guess that might be a bad thing, but I've always either been happy with things or unhappy with them. And now I have to go take a shower so Jason and I can go get his daddy a present. So there goes that train of thought. Derailed for now.
I was reading Kellie's blog and about how she said that through all the problems she's had, happiness was never one of them. I found that to be amazing. Granted I haven't had a terrible life by any stretch of the imagination, especially compared to the things she's put up with for so long, but it seems like happiness is like the tide; it's something that comes and goes for me. I've not ever really been at a point where I "wasn't sure" if I was happy or not. I guess that might be a bad thing, but I've always either been happy with things or unhappy with them. And now I have to go take a shower so Jason and I can go get his daddy a present. So there goes that train of thought. Derailed for now.
I found, or rather was introduced to some new bands recently. So I downloaded their stuff, and (remember I'm on a 56K for the summer) finally got it all, and started listening to it. I'm sure pretty much everybody that reads this won't like it, maybe a couple people...anyway. So yeah, I like most of the stuff so far...
Here's the one I like the best thus far:
The Get Up Kids - Ten Minutes
Actually from what I've downloaded and heard I like a lot of their stuff. Modest Mouse has a few good songs, but others are outright terrible. They got deleted. Alkaline Trio is pretty cool, as is Brand New. I also like The All-American Rejects. And that's all I remember without looking through my playlist right now.
Played frisbee last night, super fun. I miss good frisbee :( Went to Taco C's for a while afterward (this being around 11 or so), and stayed there and chilled for awhile. Had far too much Dr. Pepper and couldn't sleep. And when I did finally sleep had terrible, terrible dreams. Woke up about every hour... finally got real sleep after my alarm went's set for 8:50, so I hit the sleep to lay there til 9, turns out that was the 10 minutes of decent sleep I yeah I was utterly exhausted for my test. But frisbee was so awesome. I did terrible the first game (hey, I haven't played in like 3 months!) but then the second game I did better. It felt great. Then we had a short game and I did pretty well then too, everyone was soo tired though. Chris (the only person I knew cuz other Jason had to work) had the awful "shared man sweat" from wearing someone else's shirt once we started playing shirts/skins (yes, I was a shirt :P), so we made fun of him for awhile hehe.
Can't wait to play again next week.
Also can't wait to move back to UH. Mixed feelings there though. I kinda like real food and only taking 1 class at a time.
Attempting to teach myself to ride a unicycle. The shins hate me though. Fall + pedal = many shin bruises. For real. But I think for 2 days I'm doing pretty well. I can go down the driveway with PVC poles balancing me a little. (sometimes a lot) and I can go 1/2 to 3/4 of a driveway line without poles (but I still need poles to get onto unicycle). It's pretty fun and gives you a workout :P
Here's the one I like the best thus far:
The Get Up Kids - Ten Minutes
Actually from what I've downloaded and heard I like a lot of their stuff. Modest Mouse has a few good songs, but others are outright terrible. They got deleted. Alkaline Trio is pretty cool, as is Brand New. I also like The All-American Rejects. And that's all I remember without looking through my playlist right now.
Played frisbee last night, super fun. I miss good frisbee :( Went to Taco C's for a while afterward (this being around 11 or so), and stayed there and chilled for awhile. Had far too much Dr. Pepper and couldn't sleep. And when I did finally sleep had terrible, terrible dreams. Woke up about every hour... finally got real sleep after my alarm went's set for 8:50, so I hit the sleep to lay there til 9, turns out that was the 10 minutes of decent sleep I yeah I was utterly exhausted for my test. But frisbee was so awesome. I did terrible the first game (hey, I haven't played in like 3 months!) but then the second game I did better. It felt great. Then we had a short game and I did pretty well then too, everyone was soo tired though. Chris (the only person I knew cuz other Jason had to work) had the awful "shared man sweat" from wearing someone else's shirt once we started playing shirts/skins (yes, I was a shirt :P), so we made fun of him for awhile hehe.
Can't wait to play again next week.
Also can't wait to move back to UH. Mixed feelings there though. I kinda like real food and only taking 1 class at a time.
Attempting to teach myself to ride a unicycle. The shins hate me though. Fall + pedal = many shin bruises. For real. But I think for 2 days I'm doing pretty well. I can go down the driveway with PVC poles balancing me a little. (sometimes a lot) and I can go 1/2 to 3/4 of a driveway line without poles (but I still need poles to get onto unicycle). It's pretty fun and gives you a workout :P
Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
Heather's Disorder | |
Cause: | pollen |
Symptoms: | screaming, forgetfulness, winking, excessive black eyes |
Cure: | fire |
Haha I don't care what the disease is, the cure is FIRE! That rocks!
So it doesn't help your case when you are trying to explain something intelligent you did during the day to your mom and while going to point to your head to expand upon the "smartness" factor, you poke yourself in the eye. So much for that one, eh?
Let's see what else...Still haven't found a decent and inexpensive replacement screen for my laptop. I can see the crystal starting to leak a little more everyday...time is running out for me it seems. Might have to break down and spend the god damn $495 after all... *sigh*
On a better note, chem is going well. The stupid girl I keep speaking of? Yeah, blatent cheating... ::grrr:: makes me so angry. But my grade is still gonna kick her ass. With only my brain too. Ahhh, the sweet feeling of kicking not just 1 person's ass, but about 3. I guess 3 heads aren't better than one (when they're all dumbfucks at least)
Med center stuff is going well too, I'm getting to do pretty much all of the cell stuff by myself now, and the cells are growing and waiting to be tampered with :P Yay for playing God. (Now if only I had the power to strike lightning bolts onto people...)
Oh and read the comments from the last post if you get a chance...I don't know why, but they're pretty funny :P
Let's see what else...Still haven't found a decent and inexpensive replacement screen for my laptop. I can see the crystal starting to leak a little more everyday...time is running out for me it seems. Might have to break down and spend the god damn $495 after all... *sigh*
On a better note, chem is going well. The stupid girl I keep speaking of? Yeah, blatent cheating... ::grrr:: makes me so angry. But my grade is still gonna kick her ass. With only my brain too. Ahhh, the sweet feeling of kicking not just 1 person's ass, but about 3. I guess 3 heads aren't better than one (when they're all dumbfucks at least)
Med center stuff is going well too, I'm getting to do pretty much all of the cell stuff by myself now, and the cells are growing and waiting to be tampered with :P Yay for playing God. (Now if only I had the power to strike lightning bolts onto people...)
Oh and read the comments from the last post if you get a chance...I don't know why, but they're pretty funny :P
So I was talking to Hartschuh, and we decided that we should go on a killing spree to relieve stress from our shitty-deal-with-stupid-people-everyday-jobs. Man, sounds good to me. So I think I'm going to create a hit list of not just specific people, but "cultures" (if you can call them that) and i guess....genres of people who I would like to send to Cuba (after it's nuked and cameras are set up) for the latest reality show (that I didn't personally think up). It would be like Survivor without the stupid bullshit. It would be real Survivor. Like "who can survive the longest on an island that was just nuked without dying from radiation poisoning or cannibalism. Because obviously that would be the only source of food. Man, that not only sounds like the best cable TV family show ever, but the best way to get rid of people who annoy me. There are lots of those.
Yeah, so that was pretty much a big ramble. By the way, no I won't post my hit list - for one because it might be offensive and two it could be seen as a threat, even though it shouldn't because it's totally a joke...there, that's my "dont be offended or threatened" disclaimer.
I don't want to go to work tomorrow. *sigh* and I don't have time to finish this because I have work tomorrow. *grrr*
Oh, and only 25 more days. :)
:abrupt ending:
Yeah, so that was pretty much a big ramble. By the way, no I won't post my hit list - for one because it might be offensive and two it could be seen as a threat, even though it shouldn't because it's totally a joke...there, that's my "dont be offended or threatened" disclaimer.
I don't want to go to work tomorrow. *sigh* and I don't have time to finish this because I have work tomorrow. *grrr*
Oh, and only 25 more days. :)
:abrupt ending:
Yeah, yeah so I jacked it from made me remember the times before I realized the world went farther than my doorstep....
Close your eyes....And go back.... Before the Internet or the MAC...Before > >semi automatics and crack...Before SEGA or Super Nintendo...Way back.......
I'm talkin' bout hide and go seek at dusk.
Red light,Green light.
Playing kickball &dodgeball until the street lights came on.
Mother May I?
Red Rover.
Hula Hoops.
Running through the sprinkler.
Happy Meals.
Watchin' Saturday Morning cartoons. Fat Albert, Road Runner, Smurfs, Picture Pages, G-Force
The kids from the show Saved By The Bell were your idols, and all the girls were in love with Zack
Wonder Woman &Super Man Underoos.
Playing Dukes of Hazzard.
Catchin' lightning bugs in a jar.
Christmas were so happy and now your not that happy lil kid any more
Your first day of school.
Bedtime Prayers and Goodnight Kisses.
Climbing trees.
Getting an Ice Cream off the Ice Cream Truck.
A million mosquito bites and sticky fingers.
Jumping down the steps.
Being tired from playing....
Your first crush......
Rainy days at school meant playing "Heads up 7Up" in the class room.
Kool-aid was the drink of summer.
Riding your friends on your handle bars.
Wearing your new shoes on the first day of school.
Class Field Trips.
When nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got there. When a quarter seemed like a fair allowance and another quarter a miracle.
When any parent could discipline any kid, or feed him or use him to carry groceries, and nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it.
When your parents took you to McDonalds and you were so cool.
I want to go back to the time when............
Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-mo",
Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "do over!"
"Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest.
Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in Monopoly.
Catching the fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening.
Being old, referred to anyone over 20.
The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was cooties.
Nobody was prettier than Mom.
Scrapes and bruises were kissed and made better.
It was no big deal to finally be tall enough to ride, the "big people" rides at the amusement park.
Getting a foot of snow was a dream come true.
Abilities were discovered because of a "double-dog-dare".
Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for giggles.
The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team.
Water balloons were the ultimate weapon.
Older siblings were the worst tormentors, but also the fiercest protectors.
If you can remember most or all of these, then you have LIVED!!!!
Close your eyes....And go back.... Before the Internet or the MAC...Before > >semi automatics and crack...Before SEGA or Super Nintendo...Way back.......
I'm talkin' bout hide and go seek at dusk.
Red light,Green light.
Playing kickball &dodgeball until the street lights came on.
Mother May I?
Red Rover.
Hula Hoops.
Running through the sprinkler.
Happy Meals.
Watchin' Saturday Morning cartoons. Fat Albert, Road Runner, Smurfs, Picture Pages, G-Force
The kids from the show Saved By The Bell were your idols, and all the girls were in love with Zack
Wonder Woman &Super Man Underoos.
Playing Dukes of Hazzard.
Catchin' lightning bugs in a jar.
Christmas were so happy and now your not that happy lil kid any more
Your first day of school.
Bedtime Prayers and Goodnight Kisses.
Climbing trees.
Getting an Ice Cream off the Ice Cream Truck.
A million mosquito bites and sticky fingers.
Jumping down the steps.
Being tired from playing....
Your first crush......
Rainy days at school meant playing "Heads up 7Up" in the class room.
Kool-aid was the drink of summer.
Riding your friends on your handle bars.
Wearing your new shoes on the first day of school.
Class Field Trips.
When nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got there. When a quarter seemed like a fair allowance and another quarter a miracle.
When any parent could discipline any kid, or feed him or use him to carry groceries, and nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it.
When your parents took you to McDonalds and you were so cool.
I want to go back to the time when............
Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-mo",
Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "do over!"
"Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest.
Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in Monopoly.
Catching the fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening.
Being old, referred to anyone over 20.
The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was cooties.
Nobody was prettier than Mom.
Scrapes and bruises were kissed and made better.
It was no big deal to finally be tall enough to ride, the "big people" rides at the amusement park.
Getting a foot of snow was a dream come true.
Abilities were discovered because of a "double-dog-dare".
Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for giggles.
The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team.
Water balloons were the ultimate weapon.
Older siblings were the worst tormentors, but also the fiercest protectors.
If you can remember most or all of these, then you have LIVED!!!!
Fuck tweaking.
So what do you do when you're totally unable to control something that directly involves you...are you supposed to sit back and watch? *sigh*
helpless: adj; 1. Unable to help oneself 2. Impossible to control 3. Destitute of help or strength
Dammit that's not fair.
helpless: adj; 1. Unable to help oneself 2. Impossible to control 3. Destitute of help or strength
Dammit that's not fair.
So I cheated. I drove to Katy today to have lunch with Jason - that means I get to see him more than once this week :-) Yay for driving 35 minutes for McDonalds hehee. Obviously the McDonalds was what I drove for.... ;-)
Lets see, what else...I want to kill the stupid people in my chem class - I don't understand how one person can ask so many questions (99% of which have already been explained) in such a short time frame. I swear class would be 20 minutes shorter a day if about 3 people stopped talking. Damn.
Oh, and just 29 days left. I guess I'll be getting more ready when it gets down to numbers that are like...single digits perhaps? But I'm still excited.
Lets see, what else...I want to kill the stupid people in my chem class - I don't understand how one person can ask so many questions (99% of which have already been explained) in such a short time frame. I swear class would be 20 minutes shorter a day if about 3 people stopped talking. Damn.
Oh, and just 29 days left. I guess I'll be getting more ready when it gets down to numbers that are like...single digits perhaps? But I'm still excited.
The countdown continues...
33 more days.
So Blogger changed...again... I'm not sure if I like it, I kinda liked the less idiot-proof-you-can-still-accidentally-fuck-up-your-blog thing, now I feel like I'm in the idiot-proof world of Microsoft. *sigh* I guess dumb people need stuff too...not to say I'm particulary computer savvy, I went without some cool stuff cuz I couldn't figure it out, but I think it should've stayed that way. Give the people who know what they're doing the chance to show it off.
Anyway, although I like my chem class (especially in comparison to my phys class) there are some R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D people in there. I don't understand how you can want to be a pharmacy or biology major and think that you don't need chemistry. "As long as I pass it doesn't matter..." yay for the future of healthcare, I'm fucking scared. And there's this one girl....damn she's a fucking moron. It's like the prof will say something and she will repeat it back verbatim as a question 5 mins later. Apparently, the idea of "ionic vs. covalent" (I'm taking chem 2, mind you) is foreign to her. And water doesn't evaporate either. Everyone had a big laugh about that one...except for her. She said she should get an A for the abuse, I say we should play pinata games with her. (Velcro on ceiling + bed = pinata party) And then there is this other girl who must think the prof is a retard because everytime he says something she tries to contradict it. I'm like "Wow, so shut the fuck up. Thanks." I hope they all (they being the annoying bastards) fail and drop the class. If only I were that lucky. *sigh*
Ok, well I guess that's enough ranting, it's bedtime.
So Blogger changed...again... I'm not sure if I like it, I kinda liked the less idiot-proof-you-can-still-accidentally-fuck-up-your-blog thing, now I feel like I'm in the idiot-proof world of Microsoft. *sigh* I guess dumb people need stuff too...not to say I'm particulary computer savvy, I went without some cool stuff cuz I couldn't figure it out, but I think it should've stayed that way. Give the people who know what they're doing the chance to show it off.
Anyway, although I like my chem class (especially in comparison to my phys class) there are some R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D people in there. I don't understand how you can want to be a pharmacy or biology major and think that you don't need chemistry. "As long as I pass it doesn't matter..." yay for the future of healthcare, I'm fucking scared. And there's this one girl....damn she's a fucking moron. It's like the prof will say something and she will repeat it back verbatim as a question 5 mins later. Apparently, the idea of "ionic vs. covalent" (I'm taking chem 2, mind you) is foreign to her. And water doesn't evaporate either. Everyone had a big laugh about that one...except for her. She said she should get an A for the abuse, I say we should play pinata games with her. (Velcro on ceiling + bed = pinata party) And then there is this other girl who must think the prof is a retard because everytime he says something she tries to contradict it. I'm like "Wow, so shut the fuck up. Thanks." I hope they all (they being the annoying bastards) fail and drop the class. If only I were that lucky. *sigh*
Ok, well I guess that's enough ranting, it's bedtime.
35 More Days...
So I'm counting down til I move back into the dorms. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem living at home (most of the time), but I miss seeing everyone :( Especially Jason. I mean obviously I get to see him more than everybody else, but I'm looking forward to seeing him (and everyone else) on a more regular, less one day a week basis.
Anyway, what else...I've been kinda procrastinating the stuff I need to look into for the med ctr...I feel bad, but I'm to the point that there really isn't much of anything I can delve into (that applies to what I'm doing at least). I need to find pictures of unstained platelets, so I've been looking for that but apparently the 'cool' thing to do is stain them unfortunately. For every picture. So I haven't found that yet.
I officially am tired of working at Splashtown. It just isn't fun this year. I'm looking forward to the job at Baker St. I think it will be fun, plus it'll make me a hella lot more money...I wish I was qualified and experienced enough to get paid at the Med Ctr....that would be rockin :P
Not much else goin on...chem is going pretty well, I like the
prof, the class is interesting, I can definetly say I'm enjoying it more than phys. Definetly.
Anyway, what else...I've been kinda procrastinating the stuff I need to look into for the med ctr...I feel bad, but I'm to the point that there really isn't much of anything I can delve into (that applies to what I'm doing at least). I need to find pictures of unstained platelets, so I've been looking for that but apparently the 'cool' thing to do is stain them unfortunately. For every picture. So I haven't found that yet.
I officially am tired of working at Splashtown. It just isn't fun this year. I'm looking forward to the job at Baker St. I think it will be fun, plus it'll make me a hella lot more money...I wish I was qualified and experienced enough to get paid at the Med Ctr....that would be rockin :P
Not much else goin on...chem is going pretty well, I like the
prof, the class is interesting, I can definetly say I'm enjoying it more than phys. Definetly.

You've probably studied loads of different religions, but you're just not sure if any of it is true. Evolution makes some sense to you, but it doesn't satisfy you. Lastly, your personality is one of question, but you won't go out of your way to find -The Truth- It's more of a hobby.
I guess all those years of church 2x a week just left me woth more questions than answers? Tis true, tis true, not sure what to think.... *sigh of confusion*
In other news, I'm not even going to begin talking about the terrible last 2 days I've had. Gah, doom in a box. But chem is pretty interesting so far. Which is good. And it's later (ie not 8 am) so paying attention is easier too.
I'm done before I start ranting again. My apologies to all who've heard my story.
You've probably studied loads of different religions, but you're just not sure if any of it is true. Evolution makes some sense to you, but it doesn't satisfy you. Lastly, your personality is one of question, but you won't go out of your way to find -The Truth- It's more of a hobby.
I guess all those years of church 2x a week just left me woth more questions than answers? Tis true, tis true, not sure what to think.... *sigh of confusion*
In other news, I'm not even going to begin talking about the terrible last 2 days I've had. Gah, doom in a box. But chem is pretty interesting so far. Which is good. And it's later (ie not 8 am) so paying attention is easier too.
I'm done before I start ranting again. My apologies to all who've heard my story.
Hey everybody, Bill Cosby gets recognition for what some of us have been saying for years now. I don't particularly care who changes it, but something should be done. Go Bill!
Also, all those people who try to keep the cool shit for themselves are at it again. Yep, that's right. Lawmakers seem to think it's ok to buy The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but not Resident Evil. C'mon now, I want to kill more people having to watch such a terrible movie than I ever have playing a game.
Saw Fahrenheit 9/11 a few days ago, it was pretty good, Michael Moore made use of some good points, but there was a lot of info in there that was redundant. Maybe I was too little to remember Columbine being all over the news, but this seemed like he threw in a lot more "well no shit everyone knows that" stuff. But it was good, I recommend it, though apparently some people around here don't.
The News of the Weird is pretty, well, uh, weird this time. That's all I have to say about that :P
Also, one more reason to blame...well, anyone but yourself for your problems. Sometimes I am appalled at how things can be written to shift the blame. Words such as "think", "are led to believe", "could"...all of those just mean one study found something that might be true. But hell, let's throw it out to the public anyway so that people can say "Look! It's not my fault!"
Speaking of people not blaming themselves for stuff, why didn't CPS step into this one? I actually saw this show when it was on TV a few days ago. There were a bunch of little kids (all 6 and under) and every single one of them was gigantic! A 117 pound 3 year old? Come on. And the parents say they don't know how their children got like that..."Here baby, have a Twinkie, meh, have a box of Twinkies." I think it's a bit self explanatory when your 5 year old weighs more than you do that maybe, just maybe you're feeding them TOO DAMN MUCH.
That's my $0.02 on the world right now. Well, not the world, but, uh...stuff.
Also, all those people who try to keep the cool shit for themselves are at it again. Yep, that's right. Lawmakers seem to think it's ok to buy The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but not Resident Evil. C'mon now, I want to kill more people having to watch such a terrible movie than I ever have playing a game.
Saw Fahrenheit 9/11 a few days ago, it was pretty good, Michael Moore made use of some good points, but there was a lot of info in there that was redundant. Maybe I was too little to remember Columbine being all over the news, but this seemed like he threw in a lot more "well no shit everyone knows that" stuff. But it was good, I recommend it, though apparently some people around here don't.
The News of the Weird is pretty, well, uh, weird this time. That's all I have to say about that :P
Also, one more reason to blame...well, anyone but yourself for your problems. Sometimes I am appalled at how things can be written to shift the blame. Words such as "think", "are led to believe", "could"...all of those just mean one study found something that might be true. But hell, let's throw it out to the public anyway so that people can say "Look! It's not my fault!"
Speaking of people not blaming themselves for stuff, why didn't CPS step into this one? I actually saw this show when it was on TV a few days ago. There were a bunch of little kids (all 6 and under) and every single one of them was gigantic! A 117 pound 3 year old? Come on. And the parents say they don't know how their children got like that..."Here baby, have a Twinkie, meh, have a box of Twinkies." I think it's a bit self explanatory when your 5 year old weighs more than you do that maybe, just maybe you're feeding them TOO DAMN MUCH.
That's my $0.02 on the world right now. Well, not the world, but, uh...stuff.
Ok, the fooding is done, now for my "rant-of-the-moment"...
So with all the bullshit that Splashtown is cramming down our throats about "customer service and satisfaction", you'd think they'd appreciate it when someone goes out of their way to help a guest. But noooooo, I get pulled off stand and bitched out for over 5 minutes. bah, whatever I prally wont be working there much longer anyway. Or at least I'll also have another job as well... I prefer the job where I can make like 15-20x as much in the same amount of time and not have to be in the sun. We'll see Tuesday! Thanks Steve for the potential hook up :-D
Well, that's about it for now, perhaps more later. Still awaiting more people's picture fixes :-D
So with all the bullshit that Splashtown is cramming down our throats about "customer service and satisfaction", you'd think they'd appreciate it when someone goes out of their way to help a guest. But noooooo, I get pulled off stand and bitched out for over 5 minutes. bah, whatever I prally wont be working there much longer anyway. Or at least I'll also have another job as well... I prefer the job where I can make like 15-20x as much in the same amount of time and not have to be in the sun. We'll see Tuesday! Thanks Steve for the potential hook up :-D
Well, that's about it for now, perhaps more later. Still awaiting more people's picture fixes :-D
Here's the link to Ness's redone pic for all of you who were asking. This one should work if you can't get his (see last blog's comment section. Anyone else who would like to attempt the pic is still welcome to and it'll still b uber appreciated. I'll pretty much just take the best one :P
More blogging later tonight, right now I'm going to get food.
More blogging later tonight, right now I'm going to get food.
Hey everybody, I found a tattoo I wanna get. Only problem is is that part of it is covered in Copyright writing stuff. So I was wondering if any of you could (or would) look at it and see if you could redraw it for me. I'd be much appreciative
The website is:
Yeah, so if anyone has time and does that, just let me know and I'll get it from you and make sure to show you when it's all done :P (but Shhh! don't tell my parents! they'd have a coniption!)
The website is:
Yeah, so if anyone has time and does that, just let me know and I'll get it from you and make sure to show you when it's all done :P (but Shhh! don't tell my parents! they'd have a coniption!)
So my parents are fucking retarded. I wish they would make up their damn minds about what they're doing for the weekend so I know what I can do....they've changed their minds like 6 times in the last hour - no seriously. It makes me so mad, they're like "we're not leaving, we are leaving, you're watching your sister, we're taking your sister, we don't know what we're doing yet, why is it such a big deal" and I'm like I need to know if I'm supposed to be watching the little fucktard or if she's going with you....or if you're even fucking leaving. grrrrr I wish they'd just leave and take my sister with them and come back in like a week.
Indecisive bastards. I have plans that I need to know if I can make...
Indecisive bastards. I have plans that I need to know if I can make...
Yep, like I said, the post that used to be here got edited out. *snip snip* *crumple crumple* yeah, it's definetly gone.
The Continuation (ie part 2) (ie read previous blog for part 1)
Ok, so I finished the last blog in a hurry last night cuz I didn't want to finish it right then. Now I'll finish. So like I was saying....
My "ideal guy"...he'd also have to be romantic, you know, like candlelit dinners or rosepetal baths or even just spontaneous sweet stuff is good :) I was thinking though, that laying out this "ideal guy foundation" may make it seem like I expect all this stuff and such. I don't. That's why it's "ideal". It's one of those things, for me at least, that doesn't really exist. He's a contradiction of a contradiction, and even if he was real, then I'm sure he would be with some bitchy Barbie doll who doesn't deserve any guy - let alone him. So the ideal guy I suppose is just a way to pass the time and avoid the physics a little longer. And as for transformation, I'd much rather see Jason as is than watch him try to become something he's not.
I'm happy ;)
My "ideal guy"...he'd also have to be romantic, you know, like candlelit dinners or rosepetal baths or even just spontaneous sweet stuff is good :) I was thinking though, that laying out this "ideal guy foundation" may make it seem like I expect all this stuff and such. I don't. That's why it's "ideal". It's one of those things, for me at least, that doesn't really exist. He's a contradiction of a contradiction, and even if he was real, then I'm sure he would be with some bitchy Barbie doll who doesn't deserve any guy - let alone him. So the ideal guy I suppose is just a way to pass the time and avoid the physics a little longer. And as for transformation, I'd much rather see Jason as is than watch him try to become something he's not.
I'm happy ;)
This weekend was awesome. Heh, starting Thursday :P Brit and Sara's party was fun, seeing everyone was really great. Then Friday I got to see Jason, we had dinner and rented a movie and such. Then Saturday Jay came and stayed with me and we went to a club for Krystal's birthday. Hehe, for someone who 'doesn't dance', he sure was dancing ;-) I had a really good time. Sunday we just kinda hung out at my house until I had to go to work, had some Sonic, played some Smash Bros, that kinda stuff :P But this weekend was great, I got to see lots of people, got to do lots of stuff...I felt like it was actually summertime! With all the school and work and stuff I haven't felt that too much this summer. I mean all the stuff I'm doing is great, but I'd kinda been missing all the hanging out.
So with all these people commenting on their "ideal mates" I thought maybe I should write about mine. My ideal guy would be tall, over 6 feet, with blonde-brown hair and blue or blue-green eyes that are soft and piercing at the same time. He would be muscular but not overly to sweep me off my feet or carry me over a giant puddle, but not obsessed about his strength. A guy who knows as much about theatre as he does cars, and though he plays video games he can set them down. Facial hair that complements his face, none is ok too. His personality would have to be something different. He would have to be able to put up with me but still keep his own thoughts and opinions, witty but not sarcastic, intelligent, and confident but not cocky. Tasteful tattoos are attractive, but not excessive "i don't need a shirt, i have tattoos" kind of thing. Piercings vary, eyebrow bar if it looks good, earring maybe, perhaps a nipple, but he would have to look good in a suit and tie too. It'd be a plus if he was a good cook, and...I'm tired of typing, so I'll finish later.
Look for Ideal Guy: The Continuation coming soon to a blog near you!
So with all these people commenting on their "ideal mates" I thought maybe I should write about mine. My ideal guy would be tall, over 6 feet, with blonde-brown hair and blue or blue-green eyes that are soft and piercing at the same time. He would be muscular but not overly to sweep me off my feet or carry me over a giant puddle, but not obsessed about his strength. A guy who knows as much about theatre as he does cars, and though he plays video games he can set them down. Facial hair that complements his face, none is ok too. His personality would have to be something different. He would have to be able to put up with me but still keep his own thoughts and opinions, witty but not sarcastic, intelligent, and confident but not cocky. Tasteful tattoos are attractive, but not excessive "i don't need a shirt, i have tattoos" kind of thing. Piercings vary, eyebrow bar if it looks good, earring maybe, perhaps a nipple, but he would have to look good in a suit and tie too. It'd be a plus if he was a good cook, and...I'm tired of typing, so I'll finish later.
Look for Ideal Guy: The Continuation coming soon to a blog near you!
Real post? Maybe...
Hmm, so are there certain phrases that just kinda....get to you? Like when someone says it, it sparks radical response? (ie either makes you really happy or really upset) Maybe I'm just weird like that, but it seems that just a few certain words or phrases can turn a shitty day into the 'best day ever' or turn a good day into brooding hatred. Perhaps that means I'm 'overly-sensitive' to some things? I dunno, when it comes to turning a good day bad, people tell me I 'tweak out' really easily and quite eccentrically. I mean I see it and I feel bad once I realize I'm doing it, but then I just go do it again. Change is hard. I don't know what to do. I guess slowly, little by little, I'm making the changes. But it seems so slow. Comments on this welcome. Maybe I'm not weird, at least not in this respect?
Can't wait for Brittnee's party tomara, its gonna be so fun! :-D And Krystal's b-day is Saturday, hopefully will get to go to that too! Yay for getting to do stuff :) Yay more for getting to do stuff AND see Jason at the same time! Yay also for almost being done with physics. Jeez, I don't think it will ever end...and after that last test, it really needs to. Like really. A lot.
Can't wait for Brittnee's party tomara, its gonna be so fun! :-D And Krystal's b-day is Saturday, hopefully will get to go to that too! Yay for getting to do stuff :) Yay more for getting to do stuff AND see Jason at the same time! Yay also for almost being done with physics. Jeez, I don't think it will ever end...and after that last test, it really needs to. Like really. A lot.
I r feeling betterer. It s a good feeling :) Med center stuff is really cool, I'm enjoying myself. I'm watching Jason hang up his clothes in his boxers, it's pretty funny. Heh heh heh.
Hmm what else. Physics is sucking more every day.MORE AND MORE AND MORE! I'm kinda bored, just chilling out waiting for Jay to finish doing stuff, we're going out to dinner with Chris and Kellie for her b-day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLIE! Not much else really, just chillin. Ok, I'm tired of typing, no real revelations lately, at least none I'm willing to share...
Hmm what else. Physics is sucking more every day.MORE AND MORE AND MORE! I'm kinda bored, just chilling out waiting for Jay to finish doing stuff, we're going out to dinner with Chris and Kellie for her b-day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLIE! Not much else really, just chillin. Ok, I'm tired of typing, no real revelations lately, at least none I'm willing to share...
Guess what!? I don't feel like typing but I feel like posting. New quizzes. Hey, don't bitch, you know you take them when you're really bored.
Maybe a real post later if I feel like it..
I will happily recruit the help of friends to aid me in getting what I want. I have no tolerance for people getting in my way, and I am completely relentless until any threats or opposition are removed. I try to be down-to-earth, but something always seems to get in the way. What Video Game Character Are You? |
Maybe a real post later if I feel like it..
More quizzes... complements of spending 3+ hours on physics and only getting about a chapter and a half (maybe) done. I fucking hate physics.
Haha, that on is right on....riiight :P
You are Sneakers!You're an active girl, who's all about function You dress for the occasion - comfort comes first Your perfect guy? Someone who can keep up with you. You'll find him - but you might have to slow down to see him! What Shoe Are You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. |
Your Lip Gloss Flavor Is: Cotton CandyYou're a total girly girl who's every guy is sweet on. You take pleasure in the simple things in life, from cute t-shirts to stuffed animals. Any guy needs to match your romantic idealism to win your heart, which is why few have. No wonder Cotton Candy is your signature flavor. It's delicious, sugary, and fun - like you! What Flavor Lip Gloss Are You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. |
Haha, that on is right on....riiight :P
You Are a Boy Shorts Bikini!You're a sexy girl - but not the type that likes to let it all hang out. You are in to a little of everything at the beach - swimming, tanning, playing And when you're running around, you'll be sure your butt isn't falling out of your suit What Kind of Bikini Are You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. |
Quiz, because I don't have much of anything better to do...

cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hopefully in a few days all will pass. I hope so... a lot. I feel right now, I don't want to do anything. I don't even really feel like going to the med ctr tomorrow for my first day, which sucks because I was really psyched about the opportunity. Everything seems mediocre right now, and I feel less than so.
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hopefully in a few days all will pass. I hope so... a lot. I feel right now, I don't want to do anything. I don't even really feel like going to the med ctr tomorrow for my first day, which sucks because I was really psyched about the opportunity. Everything seems mediocre right now, and I feel less than so.
I hate. I think that's all I can say. I don't quite know what I hate, but I know that I do. I'm full of it. Up to the brim, overflowing with the feeling. I feel like everything I want to pull towards me is being pushed away and everything I want to get the hell away is sitting right around me, waiting for me to explode into a million pieces. Yeah, yeah, this blog is a rant, deal with it. Or leave, whatever.
"I'm falling forever
I've got to break through
I'm going under"
I don't know where all my unhappiness originates...
Maybe it's because I got my probation letter from the UH scholarship office today. Could be because my physics prof went through an entire chapter in 35 mins today. Could be because I had to stand in the rain at work for an hour today. Could be a whole bunch of other shit that I don't feel like typing again b/c the first copy of this blog was erased...whatever.
On a somewhat anti-shitty note, I finally get to start at the Med Ctr Wednesday. It's pretty much one of the few things I'm looking forward to - that and the obvious getting to see Jason sometime. I feel so secluded from everyone else. Everybody is all down on campus pretty much every day and I'm all 30-45 mins away. I miss everybody, it sucks.
So I've had this pretty much constant headache for the last few's not cool and I'm not sure why it won't go away. If I cared enough it might be a point of worry, but alas, the care factor isn't there. It isn't anywhere, unfortunately. Except in the things that I care about no matter what. I think if I stopped caring altogether... well I dunno what, but it wouldn't be good.
have you ever wanted to stop a post in mid sen
"I'm falling forever
I've got to break through
I'm going under"
I don't know where all my unhappiness originates...
Maybe it's because I got my probation letter from the UH scholarship office today. Could be because my physics prof went through an entire chapter in 35 mins today. Could be because I had to stand in the rain at work for an hour today. Could be a whole bunch of other shit that I don't feel like typing again b/c the first copy of this blog was erased...whatever.
On a somewhat anti-shitty note, I finally get to start at the Med Ctr Wednesday. It's pretty much one of the few things I'm looking forward to - that and the obvious getting to see Jason sometime. I feel so secluded from everyone else. Everybody is all down on campus pretty much every day and I'm all 30-45 mins away. I miss everybody, it sucks.
So I've had this pretty much constant headache for the last few's not cool and I'm not sure why it won't go away. If I cared enough it might be a point of worry, but alas, the care factor isn't there. It isn't anywhere, unfortunately. Except in the things that I care about no matter what. I think if I stopped caring altogether... well I dunno what, but it wouldn't be good.
have you ever wanted to stop a post in mid sen
You come from the Ocean. You've always been drawn
to the sea, the sound of the waves, the crystal
blue water, near the sea is where you belong.
Where Did Your Soul Originate?
brought to you by Quizilla
A quiz compliments of...well I'm not exactly sure who. I mean I know who's site I pulled it from, but I don't really know who they are, other than a name and a picture from someone else's wallet. Jennie, sorry you're not doing so well, although I haven't met you Jason seems to care a lot for you, so you must be a pretty good person. Hope you start to feel better soon.
Leaving for Dad's canoe race tomara, it starts Saturday. Gonna be muddy as hell. And the mosquitoes are literally gonna pick me up and carry me away. Outlook for the weekend: fun as hell :P
I think I really take what I have for granted sometimes. It makes me feel really bad when I think about it and realize how much I have and how all I do is bitch about what I want. I know that I should see that more often, but it's so easy to get lost in a sea of 'consumer whoring' that sometimes even I forget. I worry that I will become like my mum sometimes; thinking that the only things I should do are things that benefit me directly and generally in terms of money. I don't think she wants me to volunteer at the Heart Institute. She'd rather me either work more more. I dunno, I'm really really looking forward to the end of every week when I get to drive down to the Med Center and help out. I don't think she understands how I feel and I don't know how to express it to her. I met this guy at the volunteer orientation, he gets up at 5am for work, then puts in a school day after that, then comes to volunteer in the ER 3-4 days a week, not getting home until after 11pm. Then gets up at 5am all over again. It was really inspiring. I wish I could motivate myself like that. I feel like I don't have the drive to do anything; I want to go to med school more than anything and know I'll never get there unless I start kicking ass in class, but I can't seem to do it right...
::sigh:: the mum is calling, guess that's all for now.
Its just the beginning of the beginning of the end....
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