Yep, like I said, the post that used to be here got edited out. *snip snip* *crumple crumple* yeah, it's definetly gone.
The Continuation (ie part 2) (ie read previous blog for part 1)
Ok, so I finished the last blog in a hurry last night cuz I didn't want to finish it right then. Now I'll finish. So like I was saying....
My "ideal guy"...he'd also have to be romantic, you know, like candlelit dinners or rosepetal baths or even just spontaneous sweet stuff is good :) I was thinking though, that laying out this "ideal guy foundation" may make it seem like I expect all this stuff and such. I don't. That's why it's "ideal". It's one of those things, for me at least, that doesn't really exist. He's a contradiction of a contradiction, and even if he was real, then I'm sure he would be with some bitchy Barbie doll who doesn't deserve any guy - let alone him. So the ideal guy I suppose is just a way to pass the time and avoid the physics a little longer. And as for transformation, I'd much rather see Jason as is than watch him try to become something he's not.
I'm happy ;)
My "ideal guy"...he'd also have to be romantic, you know, like candlelit dinners or rosepetal baths or even just spontaneous sweet stuff is good :) I was thinking though, that laying out this "ideal guy foundation" may make it seem like I expect all this stuff and such. I don't. That's why it's "ideal". It's one of those things, for me at least, that doesn't really exist. He's a contradiction of a contradiction, and even if he was real, then I'm sure he would be with some bitchy Barbie doll who doesn't deserve any guy - let alone him. So the ideal guy I suppose is just a way to pass the time and avoid the physics a little longer. And as for transformation, I'd much rather see Jason as is than watch him try to become something he's not.
I'm happy ;)
This weekend was awesome. Heh, starting Thursday :P Brit and Sara's party was fun, seeing everyone was really great. Then Friday I got to see Jason, we had dinner and rented a movie and such. Then Saturday Jay came and stayed with me and we went to a club for Krystal's birthday. Hehe, for someone who 'doesn't dance', he sure was dancing ;-) I had a really good time. Sunday we just kinda hung out at my house until I had to go to work, had some Sonic, played some Smash Bros, that kinda stuff :P But this weekend was great, I got to see lots of people, got to do lots of stuff...I felt like it was actually summertime! With all the school and work and stuff I haven't felt that too much this summer. I mean all the stuff I'm doing is great, but I'd kinda been missing all the hanging out.
So with all these people commenting on their "ideal mates" I thought maybe I should write about mine. My ideal guy would be tall, over 6 feet, with blonde-brown hair and blue or blue-green eyes that are soft and piercing at the same time. He would be muscular but not overly to sweep me off my feet or carry me over a giant puddle, but not obsessed about his strength. A guy who knows as much about theatre as he does cars, and though he plays video games he can set them down. Facial hair that complements his face, none is ok too. His personality would have to be something different. He would have to be able to put up with me but still keep his own thoughts and opinions, witty but not sarcastic, intelligent, and confident but not cocky. Tasteful tattoos are attractive, but not excessive "i don't need a shirt, i have tattoos" kind of thing. Piercings vary, eyebrow bar if it looks good, earring maybe, perhaps a nipple, but he would have to look good in a suit and tie too. It'd be a plus if he was a good cook, and...I'm tired of typing, so I'll finish later.
Look for Ideal Guy: The Continuation coming soon to a blog near you!
So with all these people commenting on their "ideal mates" I thought maybe I should write about mine. My ideal guy would be tall, over 6 feet, with blonde-brown hair and blue or blue-green eyes that are soft and piercing at the same time. He would be muscular but not overly to sweep me off my feet or carry me over a giant puddle, but not obsessed about his strength. A guy who knows as much about theatre as he does cars, and though he plays video games he can set them down. Facial hair that complements his face, none is ok too. His personality would have to be something different. He would have to be able to put up with me but still keep his own thoughts and opinions, witty but not sarcastic, intelligent, and confident but not cocky. Tasteful tattoos are attractive, but not excessive "i don't need a shirt, i have tattoos" kind of thing. Piercings vary, eyebrow bar if it looks good, earring maybe, perhaps a nipple, but he would have to look good in a suit and tie too. It'd be a plus if he was a good cook, and...I'm tired of typing, so I'll finish later.
Look for Ideal Guy: The Continuation coming soon to a blog near you!
Real post? Maybe...
Hmm, so are there certain phrases that just kinda....get to you? Like when someone says it, it sparks radical response? (ie either makes you really happy or really upset) Maybe I'm just weird like that, but it seems that just a few certain words or phrases can turn a shitty day into the 'best day ever' or turn a good day into brooding hatred. Perhaps that means I'm 'overly-sensitive' to some things? I dunno, when it comes to turning a good day bad, people tell me I 'tweak out' really easily and quite eccentrically. I mean I see it and I feel bad once I realize I'm doing it, but then I just go do it again. Change is hard. I don't know what to do. I guess slowly, little by little, I'm making the changes. But it seems so slow. Comments on this welcome. Maybe I'm not weird, at least not in this respect?
Can't wait for Brittnee's party tomara, its gonna be so fun! :-D And Krystal's b-day is Saturday, hopefully will get to go to that too! Yay for getting to do stuff :) Yay more for getting to do stuff AND see Jason at the same time! Yay also for almost being done with physics. Jeez, I don't think it will ever end...and after that last test, it really needs to. Like really. A lot.
Can't wait for Brittnee's party tomara, its gonna be so fun! :-D And Krystal's b-day is Saturday, hopefully will get to go to that too! Yay for getting to do stuff :) Yay more for getting to do stuff AND see Jason at the same time! Yay also for almost being done with physics. Jeez, I don't think it will ever end...and after that last test, it really needs to. Like really. A lot.
I r feeling betterer. It s a good feeling :) Med center stuff is really cool, I'm enjoying myself. I'm watching Jason hang up his clothes in his boxers, it's pretty funny. Heh heh heh.
Hmm what else. Physics is sucking more every day.MORE AND MORE AND MORE! I'm kinda bored, just chilling out waiting for Jay to finish doing stuff, we're going out to dinner with Chris and Kellie for her b-day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLIE! Not much else really, just chillin. Ok, I'm tired of typing, no real revelations lately, at least none I'm willing to share...
Hmm what else. Physics is sucking more every day.MORE AND MORE AND MORE! I'm kinda bored, just chilling out waiting for Jay to finish doing stuff, we're going out to dinner with Chris and Kellie for her b-day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLIE! Not much else really, just chillin. Ok, I'm tired of typing, no real revelations lately, at least none I'm willing to share...
Guess what!? I don't feel like typing but I feel like posting. New quizzes. Hey, don't bitch, you know you take them when you're really bored.
Maybe a real post later if I feel like it..
I will happily recruit the help of friends to aid me in getting what I want. I have no tolerance for people getting in my way, and I am completely relentless until any threats or opposition are removed. I try to be down-to-earth, but something always seems to get in the way. What Video Game Character Are You? |
Maybe a real post later if I feel like it..
More quizzes... complements of spending 3+ hours on physics and only getting about a chapter and a half (maybe) done. I fucking hate physics.
Haha, that on is right on....riiight :P
You are Sneakers!You're an active girl, who's all about function You dress for the occasion - comfort comes first Your perfect guy? Someone who can keep up with you. You'll find him - but you might have to slow down to see him! What Shoe Are You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. |
Your Lip Gloss Flavor Is: Cotton CandyYou're a total girly girl who's every guy is sweet on. You take pleasure in the simple things in life, from cute t-shirts to stuffed animals. Any guy needs to match your romantic idealism to win your heart, which is why few have. No wonder Cotton Candy is your signature flavor. It's delicious, sugary, and fun - like you! What Flavor Lip Gloss Are You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. |
Haha, that on is right on....riiight :P
You Are a Boy Shorts Bikini!You're a sexy girl - but not the type that likes to let it all hang out. You are in to a little of everything at the beach - swimming, tanning, playing And when you're running around, you'll be sure your butt isn't falling out of your suit What Kind of Bikini Are You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. |
Quiz, because I don't have much of anything better to do...

cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hopefully in a few days all will pass. I hope so... a lot. I feel right now, I don't want to do anything. I don't even really feel like going to the med ctr tomorrow for my first day, which sucks because I was really psyched about the opportunity. Everything seems mediocre right now, and I feel less than so.
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hopefully in a few days all will pass. I hope so... a lot. I feel right now, I don't want to do anything. I don't even really feel like going to the med ctr tomorrow for my first day, which sucks because I was really psyched about the opportunity. Everything seems mediocre right now, and I feel less than so.
I hate. I think that's all I can say. I don't quite know what I hate, but I know that I do. I'm full of it. Up to the brim, overflowing with the feeling. I feel like everything I want to pull towards me is being pushed away and everything I want to get the hell away is sitting right around me, waiting for me to explode into a million pieces. Yeah, yeah, this blog is a rant, deal with it. Or leave, whatever.
"I'm falling forever
I've got to break through
I'm going under"
I don't know where all my unhappiness originates...
Maybe it's because I got my probation letter from the UH scholarship office today. Could be because my physics prof went through an entire chapter in 35 mins today. Could be because I had to stand in the rain at work for an hour today. Could be a whole bunch of other shit that I don't feel like typing again b/c the first copy of this blog was erased...whatever.
On a somewhat anti-shitty note, I finally get to start at the Med Ctr Wednesday. It's pretty much one of the few things I'm looking forward to - that and the obvious getting to see Jason sometime. I feel so secluded from everyone else. Everybody is all down on campus pretty much every day and I'm all 30-45 mins away. I miss everybody, it sucks.
So I've had this pretty much constant headache for the last few's not cool and I'm not sure why it won't go away. If I cared enough it might be a point of worry, but alas, the care factor isn't there. It isn't anywhere, unfortunately. Except in the things that I care about no matter what. I think if I stopped caring altogether... well I dunno what, but it wouldn't be good.
have you ever wanted to stop a post in mid sen
"I'm falling forever
I've got to break through
I'm going under"
I don't know where all my unhappiness originates...
Maybe it's because I got my probation letter from the UH scholarship office today. Could be because my physics prof went through an entire chapter in 35 mins today. Could be because I had to stand in the rain at work for an hour today. Could be a whole bunch of other shit that I don't feel like typing again b/c the first copy of this blog was erased...whatever.
On a somewhat anti-shitty note, I finally get to start at the Med Ctr Wednesday. It's pretty much one of the few things I'm looking forward to - that and the obvious getting to see Jason sometime. I feel so secluded from everyone else. Everybody is all down on campus pretty much every day and I'm all 30-45 mins away. I miss everybody, it sucks.
So I've had this pretty much constant headache for the last few's not cool and I'm not sure why it won't go away. If I cared enough it might be a point of worry, but alas, the care factor isn't there. It isn't anywhere, unfortunately. Except in the things that I care about no matter what. I think if I stopped caring altogether... well I dunno what, but it wouldn't be good.
have you ever wanted to stop a post in mid sen
You come from the Ocean. You've always been drawn
to the sea, the sound of the waves, the crystal
blue water, near the sea is where you belong.
Where Did Your Soul Originate?
brought to you by Quizilla
A quiz compliments of...well I'm not exactly sure who. I mean I know who's site I pulled it from, but I don't really know who they are, other than a name and a picture from someone else's wallet. Jennie, sorry you're not doing so well, although I haven't met you Jason seems to care a lot for you, so you must be a pretty good person. Hope you start to feel better soon.
Leaving for Dad's canoe race tomara, it starts Saturday. Gonna be muddy as hell. And the mosquitoes are literally gonna pick me up and carry me away. Outlook for the weekend: fun as hell :P
I think I really take what I have for granted sometimes. It makes me feel really bad when I think about it and realize how much I have and how all I do is bitch about what I want. I know that I should see that more often, but it's so easy to get lost in a sea of 'consumer whoring' that sometimes even I forget. I worry that I will become like my mum sometimes; thinking that the only things I should do are things that benefit me directly and generally in terms of money. I don't think she wants me to volunteer at the Heart Institute. She'd rather me either work more more. I dunno, I'm really really looking forward to the end of every week when I get to drive down to the Med Center and help out. I don't think she understands how I feel and I don't know how to express it to her. I met this guy at the volunteer orientation, he gets up at 5am for work, then puts in a school day after that, then comes to volunteer in the ER 3-4 days a week, not getting home until after 11pm. Then gets up at 5am all over again. It was really inspiring. I wish I could motivate myself like that. I feel like I don't have the drive to do anything; I want to go to med school more than anything and know I'll never get there unless I start kicking ass in class, but I can't seem to do it right...
::sigh:: the mum is calling, guess that's all for now.
Its just the beginning of the beginning of the end....
So, another great weekend :) I envy all you people who get to see Jason everyday. I miss him lots.
Haha so my dad's canoe race thing is this upcoming weekend and he's naming his boat "The Naked Truth" (this isn't funny to anyone who hasn't heard the story from 2 years ago...) I got him a sticker for the boat of a guy running around naked...he laughed for like 5 minutes. It was great :P
Phys sucks. Even when I kinda know what I'm doing from last semester b4 I dropped, it still sucks. A chapter a day is ridiculously bang-your-head-against-the-wall bad. ::shrug:: I guess it could b worse, at least the prof is good. hehe, he says "omega" as "oh-meh-gaah" Its great. :P
Work consistently makes me angry. The stupid people making me do this stupid training to learn how to greet a guest is fucking retarded. I don't need to be at Splashtown til fuckin 11pm to learn how to say "Hi, how are you" It's fucking common courtesy. Maybe the assholes who don't know how to say hello shouldn't be hired in the 1st place. Damn. I might not always be nice, but you pay me, even if the pay is shitty and I realize that part of my job is to put on the fake smile and make other people feel welcome and feel like they haven't wasted their obscene amount of money to get into the park. People need to not be so fucking stupid and incompetent. Grr.
On the other hand, I've been pretty happy with the lack of work I've had to do the past few days...for one reason or another for the past 3 or 4 days I've worked I haven't really had to do anything. But the people still make me want to kill.
So does Verizon. Way to get people into contracts that last longer than you know the shitty phones you sell ever could. And then, the only way to get a new phone without paying the billion dollars they want for it without a contract is to renew your contract til somewhere around 2010...come on, what the fuck? All I wanted was you to fix my phone even...but nooooo. Bah, I wanna blow them up too. ::whistley downward spiral noise:: KaBoom.
Ok, well thats all my bitching for now, I have to wake up all early to go to class tomorrow....
Haha so my dad's canoe race thing is this upcoming weekend and he's naming his boat "The Naked Truth" (this isn't funny to anyone who hasn't heard the story from 2 years ago...) I got him a sticker for the boat of a guy running around naked...he laughed for like 5 minutes. It was great :P
Phys sucks. Even when I kinda know what I'm doing from last semester b4 I dropped, it still sucks. A chapter a day is ridiculously bang-your-head-against-the-wall bad. ::shrug:: I guess it could b worse, at least the prof is good. hehe, he says "omega" as "oh-meh-gaah" Its great. :P
Work consistently makes me angry. The stupid people making me do this stupid training to learn how to greet a guest is fucking retarded. I don't need to be at Splashtown til fuckin 11pm to learn how to say "Hi, how are you" It's fucking common courtesy. Maybe the assholes who don't know how to say hello shouldn't be hired in the 1st place. Damn. I might not always be nice, but you pay me, even if the pay is shitty and I realize that part of my job is to put on the fake smile and make other people feel welcome and feel like they haven't wasted their obscene amount of money to get into the park. People need to not be so fucking stupid and incompetent. Grr.
On the other hand, I've been pretty happy with the lack of work I've had to do the past few days...for one reason or another for the past 3 or 4 days I've worked I haven't really had to do anything. But the people still make me want to kill.
So does Verizon. Way to get people into contracts that last longer than you know the shitty phones you sell ever could. And then, the only way to get a new phone without paying the billion dollars they want for it without a contract is to renew your contract til somewhere around 2010...come on, what the fuck? All I wanted was you to fix my phone even...but nooooo. Bah, I wanna blow them up too. ::whistley downward spiral noise:: KaBoom.
Ok, well thats all my bitching for now, I have to wake up all early to go to class tomorrow....
haha, Ian showed me this and when I saw I had to post it:
"Where all the people from Channelview go" ~Ian
Bedtime, school tomara :(
"Where all the people from Channelview go" ~Ian
Bedtime, school tomara :(
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