I found, or rather was introduced to some new bands recently. So I downloaded their stuff, and (remember I'm on a 56K for the summer) finally got it all, and started listening to it. I'm sure pretty much everybody that reads this won't like it, maybe a couple people...anyway. So yeah, I like most of the stuff so far...
Here's the one I like the best thus far:
The Get Up Kids - Ten Minutes
Actually from what I've downloaded and heard I like a lot of their stuff. Modest Mouse has a few good songs, but others are outright terrible. They got deleted. Alkaline Trio is pretty cool, as is Brand New. I also like The All-American Rejects. And that's all I remember without looking through my playlist right now.
Played frisbee last night, super fun. I miss good frisbee :( Went to Taco C's for a while afterward (this being around 11 or so), and stayed there and chilled for awhile. Had far too much Dr. Pepper and couldn't sleep. And when I did finally sleep had terrible, terrible dreams. Woke up about every hour... finally got real sleep after my alarm went off...it's set for 8:50, so I hit the sleep to lay there til 9, turns out that was the 10 minutes of decent sleep I got...so yeah I was utterly exhausted for my test. But frisbee was so awesome. I did terrible the first game (hey, I haven't played in like 3 months!) but then the second game I did better. It felt great. Then we had a short game and I did pretty well then too, everyone was soo tired though. Chris (the only person I knew cuz other Jason had to work) had the awful "shared man sweat" from wearing someone else's shirt once we started playing shirts/skins (yes, I was a shirt :P), so we made fun of him for awhile hehe.
Can't wait to play again next week.
Also can't wait to move back to UH. Mixed feelings there though. I kinda like real food and only taking 1 class at a time.
Attempting to teach myself to ride a unicycle. The shins hate me though. Fall + pedal = many shin bruises. For real. But I think for 2 days I'm doing pretty well. I can go down the driveway with PVC poles balancing me a little. (sometimes a lot) and I can go 1/2 to 3/4 of a driveway line without poles (but I still need poles to get onto unicycle). It's pretty fun and gives you a workout :P
Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
Heather's Disorder | |
Cause: | pollen |
Symptoms: | screaming, forgetfulness, winking, excessive black eyes |
Cure: | fire |
Haha I don't care what the disease is, the cure is FIRE! That rocks!
So it doesn't help your case when you are trying to explain something intelligent you did during the day to your mom and while going to point to your head to expand upon the "smartness" factor, you poke yourself in the eye. So much for that one, eh?
Let's see what else...Still haven't found a decent and inexpensive replacement screen for my laptop. I can see the crystal starting to leak a little more everyday...time is running out for me it seems. Might have to break down and spend the god damn $495 after all... *sigh*
On a better note, chem is going well. The stupid girl I keep speaking of? Yeah, blatent cheating... ::grrr:: makes me so angry. But my grade is still gonna kick her ass. With only my brain too. Ahhh, the sweet feeling of kicking not just 1 person's ass, but about 3. I guess 3 heads aren't better than one (when they're all dumbfucks at least)
Med center stuff is going well too, I'm getting to do pretty much all of the cell stuff by myself now, and the cells are growing and waiting to be tampered with :P Yay for playing God. (Now if only I had the power to strike lightning bolts onto people...)
Oh and read the comments from the last post if you get a chance...I don't know why, but they're pretty funny :P
Let's see what else...Still haven't found a decent and inexpensive replacement screen for my laptop. I can see the crystal starting to leak a little more everyday...time is running out for me it seems. Might have to break down and spend the god damn $495 after all... *sigh*
On a better note, chem is going well. The stupid girl I keep speaking of? Yeah, blatent cheating... ::grrr:: makes me so angry. But my grade is still gonna kick her ass. With only my brain too. Ahhh, the sweet feeling of kicking not just 1 person's ass, but about 3. I guess 3 heads aren't better than one (when they're all dumbfucks at least)
Med center stuff is going well too, I'm getting to do pretty much all of the cell stuff by myself now, and the cells are growing and waiting to be tampered with :P Yay for playing God. (Now if only I had the power to strike lightning bolts onto people...)
Oh and read the comments from the last post if you get a chance...I don't know why, but they're pretty funny :P
So I was talking to Hartschuh, and we decided that we should go on a killing spree to relieve stress from our shitty-deal-with-stupid-people-everyday-jobs. Man, sounds good to me. So I think I'm going to create a hit list of not just specific people, but "cultures" (if you can call them that) and i guess....genres of people who I would like to send to Cuba (after it's nuked and cameras are set up) for the latest reality show (that I didn't personally think up). It would be like Survivor without the stupid bullshit. It would be real Survivor. Like "who can survive the longest on an island that was just nuked without dying from radiation poisoning or cannibalism. Because obviously that would be the only source of food. Man, that not only sounds like the best cable TV family show ever, but the best way to get rid of people who annoy me. There are lots of those.
Yeah, so that was pretty much a big ramble. By the way, no I won't post my hit list - for one because it might be offensive and two it could be seen as a threat, even though it shouldn't because it's totally a joke...there, that's my "dont be offended or threatened" disclaimer.
I don't want to go to work tomorrow. *sigh* and I don't have time to finish this because I have work tomorrow. *grrr*
Oh, and only 25 more days. :)
:abrupt ending:
Yeah, so that was pretty much a big ramble. By the way, no I won't post my hit list - for one because it might be offensive and two it could be seen as a threat, even though it shouldn't because it's totally a joke...there, that's my "dont be offended or threatened" disclaimer.
I don't want to go to work tomorrow. *sigh* and I don't have time to finish this because I have work tomorrow. *grrr*
Oh, and only 25 more days. :)
:abrupt ending:
Yeah, yeah so I jacked it from Chris...it made me remember the times before I realized the world went farther than my doorstep....
Close your eyes....And go back.... Before the Internet or the MAC...Before > >semi automatics and crack...Before SEGA or Super Nintendo...Way back.......
I'm talkin' bout hide and go seek at dusk.
Red light,Green light.
Playing kickball &dodgeball until the street lights came on.
Mother May I?
Red Rover.
Hula Hoops.
Running through the sprinkler.
Happy Meals.
Watchin' Saturday Morning cartoons. Fat Albert, Road Runner, Smurfs, Picture Pages, G-Force
The kids from the show Saved By The Bell were your idols, and all the girls were in love with Zack
Wonder Woman &Super Man Underoos.
Playing Dukes of Hazzard.
Catchin' lightning bugs in a jar.
Christmas morning..you were so happy and now your not that happy lil kid any more
Your first day of school.
Bedtime Prayers and Goodnight Kisses.
Climbing trees.
Getting an Ice Cream off the Ice Cream Truck.
A million mosquito bites and sticky fingers.
Jumping down the steps.
Being tired from playing....
Your first crush......
Rainy days at school meant playing "Heads up 7Up" in the class room.
Kool-aid was the drink of summer.
Riding your friends on your handle bars.
Wearing your new shoes on the first day of school.
Class Field Trips.
When nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got there. When a quarter seemed like a fair allowance and another quarter a miracle.
When any parent could discipline any kid, or feed him or use him to carry groceries, and nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it.
When your parents took you to McDonalds and you were so cool.
I want to go back to the time when............
Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-mo",
Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "do over!"
"Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest.
Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in Monopoly.
Catching the fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening.
Being old, referred to anyone over 20.
The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was cooties.
Nobody was prettier than Mom.
Scrapes and bruises were kissed and made better.
It was no big deal to finally be tall enough to ride, the "big people" rides at the amusement park.
Getting a foot of snow was a dream come true.
Abilities were discovered because of a "double-dog-dare".
Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for giggles.
The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team.
Water balloons were the ultimate weapon.
Older siblings were the worst tormentors, but also the fiercest protectors.
If you can remember most or all of these, then you have LIVED!!!!
Close your eyes....And go back.... Before the Internet or the MAC...Before > >semi automatics and crack...Before SEGA or Super Nintendo...Way back.......
I'm talkin' bout hide and go seek at dusk.
Red light,Green light.
Playing kickball &dodgeball until the street lights came on.
Mother May I?
Red Rover.
Hula Hoops.
Running through the sprinkler.
Happy Meals.
Watchin' Saturday Morning cartoons. Fat Albert, Road Runner, Smurfs, Picture Pages, G-Force
The kids from the show Saved By The Bell were your idols, and all the girls were in love with Zack
Wonder Woman &Super Man Underoos.
Playing Dukes of Hazzard.
Catchin' lightning bugs in a jar.
Christmas morning..you were so happy and now your not that happy lil kid any more
Your first day of school.
Bedtime Prayers and Goodnight Kisses.
Climbing trees.
Getting an Ice Cream off the Ice Cream Truck.
A million mosquito bites and sticky fingers.
Jumping down the steps.
Being tired from playing....
Your first crush......
Rainy days at school meant playing "Heads up 7Up" in the class room.
Kool-aid was the drink of summer.
Riding your friends on your handle bars.
Wearing your new shoes on the first day of school.
Class Field Trips.
When nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got there. When a quarter seemed like a fair allowance and another quarter a miracle.
When any parent could discipline any kid, or feed him or use him to carry groceries, and nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it.
When your parents took you to McDonalds and you were so cool.
I want to go back to the time when............
Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-mo",
Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "do over!"
"Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest.
Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in Monopoly.
Catching the fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening.
Being old, referred to anyone over 20.
The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was cooties.
Nobody was prettier than Mom.
Scrapes and bruises were kissed and made better.
It was no big deal to finally be tall enough to ride, the "big people" rides at the amusement park.
Getting a foot of snow was a dream come true.
Abilities were discovered because of a "double-dog-dare".
Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for giggles.
The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team.
Water balloons were the ultimate weapon.
Older siblings were the worst tormentors, but also the fiercest protectors.
If you can remember most or all of these, then you have LIVED!!!!
Fuck tweaking.
So what do you do when you're totally unable to control something that directly involves you...are you supposed to sit back and watch? *sigh*
helpless: adj; 1. Unable to help oneself 2. Impossible to control 3. Destitute of help or strength
Dammit that's not fair.
helpless: adj; 1. Unable to help oneself 2. Impossible to control 3. Destitute of help or strength
Dammit that's not fair.
So I cheated. I drove to Katy today to have lunch with Jason - that means I get to see him more than once this week :-) Yay for driving 35 minutes for McDonalds hehee. Obviously the McDonalds was what I drove for.... ;-)
Lets see, what else...I want to kill the stupid people in my chem class - I don't understand how one person can ask so many questions (99% of which have already been explained) in such a short time frame. I swear class would be 20 minutes shorter a day if about 3 people stopped talking. Damn.
Oh, and just 29 days left. I guess I'll be getting more ready when it gets down to numbers that are like...single digits perhaps? But I'm still excited.
Lets see, what else...I want to kill the stupid people in my chem class - I don't understand how one person can ask so many questions (99% of which have already been explained) in such a short time frame. I swear class would be 20 minutes shorter a day if about 3 people stopped talking. Damn.
Oh, and just 29 days left. I guess I'll be getting more ready when it gets down to numbers that are like...single digits perhaps? But I'm still excited.
The countdown continues...
33 more days.
So Blogger changed...again... I'm not sure if I like it, I kinda liked the less idiot-proof-you-can-still-accidentally-fuck-up-your-blog thing, now I feel like I'm in the idiot-proof world of Microsoft. *sigh* I guess dumb people need stuff too...not to say I'm particulary computer savvy, I went without some cool stuff cuz I couldn't figure it out, but I think it should've stayed that way. Give the people who know what they're doing the chance to show it off.
Anyway, although I like my chem class (especially in comparison to my phys class) there are some R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D people in there. I don't understand how you can want to be a pharmacy or biology major and think that you don't need chemistry. "As long as I pass it doesn't matter..." yay for the future of healthcare, I'm fucking scared. And there's this one girl....damn she's a fucking moron. It's like the prof will say something and she will repeat it back verbatim as a question 5 mins later. Apparently, the idea of "ionic vs. covalent" (I'm taking chem 2, mind you) is foreign to her. And water doesn't evaporate either. Everyone had a big laugh about that one...except for her. She said she should get an A for the abuse, I say we should play pinata games with her. (Velcro on ceiling + bed = pinata party) And then there is this other girl who must think the prof is a retard because everytime he says something she tries to contradict it. I'm like "Wow, so shut the fuck up. Thanks." I hope they all (they being the annoying bastards) fail and drop the class. If only I were that lucky. *sigh*
Ok, well I guess that's enough ranting, it's bedtime.
So Blogger changed...again... I'm not sure if I like it, I kinda liked the less idiot-proof-you-can-still-accidentally-fuck-up-your-blog thing, now I feel like I'm in the idiot-proof world of Microsoft. *sigh* I guess dumb people need stuff too...not to say I'm particulary computer savvy, I went without some cool stuff cuz I couldn't figure it out, but I think it should've stayed that way. Give the people who know what they're doing the chance to show it off.
Anyway, although I like my chem class (especially in comparison to my phys class) there are some R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D people in there. I don't understand how you can want to be a pharmacy or biology major and think that you don't need chemistry. "As long as I pass it doesn't matter..." yay for the future of healthcare, I'm fucking scared. And there's this one girl....damn she's a fucking moron. It's like the prof will say something and she will repeat it back verbatim as a question 5 mins later. Apparently, the idea of "ionic vs. covalent" (I'm taking chem 2, mind you) is foreign to her. And water doesn't evaporate either. Everyone had a big laugh about that one...except for her. She said she should get an A for the abuse, I say we should play pinata games with her. (Velcro on ceiling + bed = pinata party) And then there is this other girl who must think the prof is a retard because everytime he says something she tries to contradict it. I'm like "Wow, so shut the fuck up. Thanks." I hope they all (they being the annoying bastards) fail and drop the class. If only I were that lucky. *sigh*
Ok, well I guess that's enough ranting, it's bedtime.
35 More Days...
So I'm counting down til I move back into the dorms. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem living at home (most of the time), but I miss seeing everyone :( Especially Jason. I mean obviously I get to see him more than everybody else, but I'm looking forward to seeing him (and everyone else) on a more regular, less one day a week basis.
Anyway, what else...I've been kinda procrastinating the stuff I need to look into for the med ctr...I feel bad, but I'm to the point that there really isn't much of anything I can delve into (that applies to what I'm doing at least). I need to find pictures of unstained platelets, so I've been looking for that but apparently the 'cool' thing to do is stain them unfortunately. For every picture. So I haven't found that yet.
I officially am tired of working at Splashtown. It just isn't fun this year. I'm looking forward to the job at Baker St. I think it will be fun, plus it'll make me a hella lot more money...I wish I was qualified and experienced enough to get paid at the Med Ctr....that would be rockin :P
Not much else goin on...chem is going pretty well, I like the
prof, the class is interesting, I can definetly say I'm enjoying it more than phys. Definetly.
Anyway, what else...I've been kinda procrastinating the stuff I need to look into for the med ctr...I feel bad, but I'm to the point that there really isn't much of anything I can delve into (that applies to what I'm doing at least). I need to find pictures of unstained platelets, so I've been looking for that but apparently the 'cool' thing to do is stain them unfortunately. For every picture. So I haven't found that yet.
I officially am tired of working at Splashtown. It just isn't fun this year. I'm looking forward to the job at Baker St. I think it will be fun, plus it'll make me a hella lot more money...I wish I was qualified and experienced enough to get paid at the Med Ctr....that would be rockin :P
Not much else goin on...chem is going pretty well, I like the
prof, the class is interesting, I can definetly say I'm enjoying it more than phys. Definetly.

You've probably studied loads of different religions, but you're just not sure if any of it is true. Evolution makes some sense to you, but it doesn't satisfy you. Lastly, your personality is one of question, but you won't go out of your way to find -The Truth- It's more of a hobby.
I guess all those years of church 2x a week just left me woth more questions than answers? Tis true, tis true, not sure what to think.... *sigh of confusion*
In other news, I'm not even going to begin talking about the terrible last 2 days I've had. Gah, doom in a box. But chem is pretty interesting so far. Which is good. And it's later (ie not 8 am) so paying attention is easier too.
I'm done before I start ranting again. My apologies to all who've heard my story.
You've probably studied loads of different religions, but you're just not sure if any of it is true. Evolution makes some sense to you, but it doesn't satisfy you. Lastly, your personality is one of question, but you won't go out of your way to find -The Truth- It's more of a hobby.
I guess all those years of church 2x a week just left me woth more questions than answers? Tis true, tis true, not sure what to think.... *sigh of confusion*
In other news, I'm not even going to begin talking about the terrible last 2 days I've had. Gah, doom in a box. But chem is pretty interesting so far. Which is good. And it's later (ie not 8 am) so paying attention is easier too.
I'm done before I start ranting again. My apologies to all who've heard my story.
Hey everybody, Bill Cosby gets recognition for what some of us have been saying for years now. I don't particularly care who changes it, but something should be done. Go Bill!
Also, all those people who try to keep the cool shit for themselves are at it again. Yep, that's right. Lawmakers seem to think it's ok to buy The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but not Resident Evil. C'mon now, I want to kill more people having to watch such a terrible movie than I ever have playing a game.
Saw Fahrenheit 9/11 a few days ago, it was pretty good, Michael Moore made use of some good points, but there was a lot of info in there that was redundant. Maybe I was too little to remember Columbine being all over the news, but this seemed like he threw in a lot more "well no shit everyone knows that" stuff. But it was good, I recommend it, though apparently some people around here don't.
The News of the Weird is pretty, well, uh, weird this time. That's all I have to say about that :P
Also, one more reason to blame...well, anyone but yourself for your problems. Sometimes I am appalled at how things can be written to shift the blame. Words such as "think", "are led to believe", "could"...all of those just mean one study found something that might be true. But hell, let's throw it out to the public anyway so that people can say "Look! It's not my fault!"
Speaking of people not blaming themselves for stuff, why didn't CPS step into this one? I actually saw this show when it was on TV a few days ago. There were a bunch of little kids (all 6 and under) and every single one of them was gigantic! A 117 pound 3 year old? Come on. And the parents say they don't know how their children got like that..."Here baby, have a Twinkie, meh, have a box of Twinkies." I think it's a bit self explanatory when your 5 year old weighs more than you do that maybe, just maybe you're feeding them TOO DAMN MUCH.
That's my $0.02 on the world right now. Well, not the world, but, uh...stuff.
Also, all those people who try to keep the cool shit for themselves are at it again. Yep, that's right. Lawmakers seem to think it's ok to buy The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but not Resident Evil. C'mon now, I want to kill more people having to watch such a terrible movie than I ever have playing a game.
Saw Fahrenheit 9/11 a few days ago, it was pretty good, Michael Moore made use of some good points, but there was a lot of info in there that was redundant. Maybe I was too little to remember Columbine being all over the news, but this seemed like he threw in a lot more "well no shit everyone knows that" stuff. But it was good, I recommend it, though apparently some people around here don't.
The News of the Weird is pretty, well, uh, weird this time. That's all I have to say about that :P
Also, one more reason to blame...well, anyone but yourself for your problems. Sometimes I am appalled at how things can be written to shift the blame. Words such as "think", "are led to believe", "could"...all of those just mean one study found something that might be true. But hell, let's throw it out to the public anyway so that people can say "Look! It's not my fault!"
Speaking of people not blaming themselves for stuff, why didn't CPS step into this one? I actually saw this show when it was on TV a few days ago. There were a bunch of little kids (all 6 and under) and every single one of them was gigantic! A 117 pound 3 year old? Come on. And the parents say they don't know how their children got like that..."Here baby, have a Twinkie, meh, have a box of Twinkies." I think it's a bit self explanatory when your 5 year old weighs more than you do that maybe, just maybe you're feeding them TOO DAMN MUCH.
That's my $0.02 on the world right now. Well, not the world, but, uh...stuff.
Ok, the fooding is done, now for my "rant-of-the-moment"...
So with all the bullshit that Splashtown is cramming down our throats about "customer service and satisfaction", you'd think they'd appreciate it when someone goes out of their way to help a guest. But noooooo, I get pulled off stand and bitched out for over 5 minutes. bah, whatever I prally wont be working there much longer anyway. Or at least I'll also have another job as well... I prefer the job where I can make like 15-20x as much in the same amount of time and not have to be in the sun. We'll see Tuesday! Thanks Steve for the potential hook up :-D
Well, that's about it for now, perhaps more later. Still awaiting more people's picture fixes :-D
So with all the bullshit that Splashtown is cramming down our throats about "customer service and satisfaction", you'd think they'd appreciate it when someone goes out of their way to help a guest. But noooooo, I get pulled off stand and bitched out for over 5 minutes. bah, whatever I prally wont be working there much longer anyway. Or at least I'll also have another job as well... I prefer the job where I can make like 15-20x as much in the same amount of time and not have to be in the sun. We'll see Tuesday! Thanks Steve for the potential hook up :-D
Well, that's about it for now, perhaps more later. Still awaiting more people's picture fixes :-D
Here's the link to Ness's redone pic for all of you who were asking. This one should work if you can't get his (see last blog's comment section. Anyone else who would like to attempt the pic is still welcome to and it'll still b uber appreciated. I'll pretty much just take the best one :P
More blogging later tonight, right now I'm going to get food.
More blogging later tonight, right now I'm going to get food.
Hey everybody, I found a tattoo I wanna get. Only problem is is that part of it is covered in Copyright writing stuff. So I was wondering if any of you could (or would) look at it and see if you could redraw it for me. I'd be much appreciative
The website is: http://store5.yimg.com/I/luckyfishart_1793_7704844
Yeah, so if anyone has time and does that, just let me know and I'll get it from you and make sure to show you when it's all done :P (but Shhh! don't tell my parents! they'd have a coniption!)
The website is: http://store5.yimg.com/I/luckyfishart_1793_7704844
Yeah, so if anyone has time and does that, just let me know and I'll get it from you and make sure to show you when it's all done :P (but Shhh! don't tell my parents! they'd have a coniption!)
So my parents are fucking retarded. I wish they would make up their damn minds about what they're doing for the weekend so I know what I can do....they've changed their minds like 6 times in the last hour - no seriously. It makes me so mad, they're like "we're not leaving, we are leaving, you're watching your sister, we're taking your sister, we don't know what we're doing yet, why is it such a big deal" and I'm like I need to know if I'm supposed to be watching the little fucktard or if she's going with you....or if you're even fucking leaving. grrrrr I wish they'd just leave and take my sister with them and come back in like a week.
Indecisive bastards. I have plans that I need to know if I can make...
Indecisive bastards. I have plans that I need to know if I can make...
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