
So...I saw this and it made me sad. So gratuitous. It screams "here is a reason for you to stare at my penis/vagina and pretend like it is my belt you're looking at" Ugh. BUT, it's a GREAT DEAL at ONLY 29.99 and 6.49 S&H! BUY NOW! Wouldn't YOU like to be the first on your block with an LED message scrolling across your crotch? I thought so. If I ever see anyone wearing one of those...I think I'll cry. Unless they're Asian (no offense to Asian people, the LED thing is just natural I guess). I guess that is my rant for the day.

I found and pulled out my book of poetry today too. Read some old ones, tried to write some new ones. Some are ok, some are so-so, some should have been torn out before they were written. But they all remind me of my past, my successes and failures, my achievements and mistakes. Plus they're in a Cat-in-the-Hat notebook, and who could tear pages out of that? Say something and I'll post a few maybe. *shrug* who knows, someone else might like them too. :)



just push "play"

I can't decide if I get in the way of life or if it gets in the way of me. It seems like the harder I try, the harder I fail. But I feel like if I don't try there is no use in even being here. I think I'm even going to fail at Fiji. I don't think I'll ever make it there, and if I do...I don't think it will be like I've always hoped.

A dream I had about a week ago still haunts me. It feels important but I don't know what it's telling me. The girl in it seems like she's supposed to represent me, she has my cellphone...but I never actually see her. I dunno, guess time will tell. If you wanna hear more ask, but you probably won't. It's ok, I probably wouldn't either.