
Man, so this was my last weekend for awhile...I went to work today and got my schedule, yeah, so I work Christmas Eve, Christmas day and New Year's Eve and New Year's day (not to mention every day in between) So there goes that vacation...at least until January 10th :D I guess that makes it all worth it, plus it's good money and the people are nice...but 5:30 in the morning comes REALLLLLLY early. Really early.

But this weekend was fun still. I got to see a bunch of HS friends and some family I haven't seen in awhile, got to call Jason 'Spot' all weekend...everybody got to meet him and laugh at me for calling him Spot...it was enjoyable and relaxing :D make Heather happy to be able to chill before having to work.

So, I guess I didn't really have anything to say, other than happy holiday to all you guys who I won't be seeing...

Ohh, and watch the new Foamy cartoon...it's great :P

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