

So once again, I have learned {the hard way} that tweaking out about stuff that is no longer in your control is one of the most detrimental things you can do. Not only with regard to everything else I still have to do this week, but also with regard to my health....my sanity....my relationships with other people....everything. Damn, you'd think I'd learn after the first 400 million times I tweak out needlessly that that's what it is: needless. Dammit. Yeah, so things got bad, but they're getting better I guess. Or rather, they're getting not as bad. This was supposed to be a GPA-boosting semester...but unless I pull god-awfully amazing things in cal and human sit it's not looking to be that way. BUT - that's ok, cuz I'm NOT going to tweak out about it. At least not right now. Maybe after Friday. But not now.

Study time...again.

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