
Fiji cake

Andrea and I made Fiji cake today. It was great! Well, actually, she made the cake...and frosted it...and was about to cut it when I said "it needs SPRINKLES!" so we decorated it.

Yeah, so its yummy too (the cake). Then Andrea proceeded to stick her finger in hot wax... somehow thinking it wouldn't burn.

Kooky, eh? Sometimes I wonder about that girl. But, eh, sometimes I wonder about me too, and I'm normal, right? :-D

I went to dinner with Katie today. Poor kid, so much that could go right for her, yet so much that goes wrong. If you're reading this, hon, *hug* it'll all be ok. Promise. Come stay with me whenever you need.
I feel better. No more tweaking out...for now at least :) Got a well needed break from school, going back will be tough, mainly because there will be SO MUCH to do, but that's ok, I'm ready for it now. Waiting to hear about some stuff, waiting to hear some stuff. Few expectations by me, lots of expectations for me. I think - when it comes to school - I work better when there's a lot to deal with. Like several projects at a time. Or it just always ends up that way, something like that. I haven't felt this good in awhile. Especially after getting done with all my junk today. I like what I'm doing, I like where I am...I might complain about stuff but it's all just petty bullshit. *shrug* That's basically it.



Yeah, it was. More later perhaps? :)


Pipe Dreams

Hmm. I bet most of you thought something very interesting when you read the title of this. Thought maybe it would be an angsty blog about how wrong the world is, but only to me. Well, I'm glad to say, that's not it at all. In 10 hours and 32 minutes, I will be starting my fluids exam, and what can I say other then holy shit, that sucks. I'm pretty nervous about it. I've been studying...a lot. but still not as much as I should have. I'm not sure how I feel though, sometimes I can work through the problems all the way after just a few minutes of thinking; other times I can sit for an hour and still have nothing. Makes me scared. I have a tendency to go mind blank just before an exam starts, only to have all the information come back to me about 10 minutes before time is called. (By the way, 10 minutes isn't long enough to do anything but maybe write your name down)

I broke my laptop last night, I'm pretty unhappy about that. I'm taking it after my exam tomorrow to be (hopefully) repaired. The hard drive is very unhappy with me. Slowly but surely I am transferring all my files to Andrea's laptop for safekeeping until I get mine fixed and back though (thanks Andi!). But it's taking forever. My laptop sends for awhile, gets angry and freezes, has to be rebooted, sends for awhile again....etc. Not very conducive to as much fluids studying as I'd like. But I need to get it done tonight so that I can take it to be fixed tomorrow and just be able to say "just do whatever you have to do" so I don't have to wait. I think I need to keep my laptop inside a protective bubble, it gets hurt too much :(

Went to the Astros game on Tuesday, we lost but it was still fun :) Got to see two guys fight over the "N" word like 3 feet in front of me. That was a bit scary. Turn around and some guy is choking another guy. Crazy. Other than that, haven't really done much of anything other than study and avoid said studying. Tomorrow after exam and computer hassle is comedy club. Should be funny (does that go without saying?) Anyway, should be :) Sunday is work and hopefully finally getting my iPod. Unless they hurry for some reason (USPS, hurry? HAH!) and then it might be here tomorrow.

Wow, wasn't that the most exciting blog ever? Maybe there will be an inspirational comment that will make up for it. (hint: that means write something good in the comments.)


Well, lots of stuff has happened lately, no? Since I haven't posted at all this month yet, I guess I'm a little behind. I've been really, really busy lately. I guess it makes me glad I scheduled breaks between my classes, they get used everyday. For homework mostly, sometimes for lunch. I'm pretty proud of myself, I've only missed one class, and that was theatre when I felt really cruddy.

I've also made much much use of my breaks from school. This is the first semester EVER that I've truly had Fridays off completely. It's really nice. Granted I work Fridays now since there's no school, but it's pretty mindless and doesn't require me to ever think about an integral or a derivative or a torque or a cross product....ever. In fact, I highly doubt that anyone I work with even knows what that means. Which is fine and dandy with me.

My weekends as of late have been filled with interesting and fun things too, especially when I'm not working. Labor Day weekend was filled with movies and "Sociables" with Tyler and Travis, Kim, and their neighbors, and late night swimming. Last weekend was Brittnee's b-day party, so after a scrumptious dinner made by Andrea (thanks :-D) we all went to Sambuca for some jazz. Note: Sambuca is a restaurant. I did not realize this. That was kind of awkward for a bit, but fun anyway. :) And we all had a good time. There was issue, but it's over and I like to reminisce of the happy, not the not-so-great. Sunday was good too. Went to IHOP for breakfastlunch, and then had to uber rush back from halfway to Katy to get to the play on time. But thanks to fast car (that I got to drive back to my apartment from Sambucas!), we made it in time. I thought the play was really good. "Comedic tragedy" definitely fits. (It was called An Empty Plate at Café du Grand Boeuf) I like Main Street Theatre too, it's pretty small (we were about 20 or 25 feet from center stage) but I think that adds to the appeal. You see the actors right there in front of you, it just makes you feel closer to the action I suppose.

I guess that's caught me up from my lack of blogging lately, I forsee me continuing to be really busy, perhaps even moreso pretty soon and for the rest of the semester, so I guess I find time where I make it...More stories to come soon though, I'm sure. Tomorrow...well today now I guess as it is Tuesday now is an Astros game. Apparently they're out of the race for wild card, which sucks, but I still want to go see them play. I waited all summer with no one wanting to go, so now I get to go watch my game. :P I guess if I have to become a hockey fan, someone can become a bit of a baseball fan, no?