
Pipe Dreams

Hmm. I bet most of you thought something very interesting when you read the title of this. Thought maybe it would be an angsty blog about how wrong the world is, but only to me. Well, I'm glad to say, that's not it at all. In 10 hours and 32 minutes, I will be starting my fluids exam, and what can I say other then holy shit, that sucks. I'm pretty nervous about it. I've been studying...a lot. but still not as much as I should have. I'm not sure how I feel though, sometimes I can work through the problems all the way after just a few minutes of thinking; other times I can sit for an hour and still have nothing. Makes me scared. I have a tendency to go mind blank just before an exam starts, only to have all the information come back to me about 10 minutes before time is called. (By the way, 10 minutes isn't long enough to do anything but maybe write your name down)

I broke my laptop last night, I'm pretty unhappy about that. I'm taking it after my exam tomorrow to be (hopefully) repaired. The hard drive is very unhappy with me. Slowly but surely I am transferring all my files to Andrea's laptop for safekeeping until I get mine fixed and back though (thanks Andi!). But it's taking forever. My laptop sends for awhile, gets angry and freezes, has to be rebooted, sends for awhile again....etc. Not very conducive to as much fluids studying as I'd like. But I need to get it done tonight so that I can take it to be fixed tomorrow and just be able to say "just do whatever you have to do" so I don't have to wait. I think I need to keep my laptop inside a protective bubble, it gets hurt too much :(

Went to the Astros game on Tuesday, we lost but it was still fun :) Got to see two guys fight over the "N" word like 3 feet in front of me. That was a bit scary. Turn around and some guy is choking another guy. Crazy. Other than that, haven't really done much of anything other than study and avoid said studying. Tomorrow after exam and computer hassle is comedy club. Should be funny (does that go without saying?) Anyway, should be :) Sunday is work and hopefully finally getting my iPod. Unless they hurry for some reason (USPS, hurry? HAH!) and then it might be here tomorrow.

Wow, wasn't that the most exciting blog ever? Maybe there will be an inspirational comment that will make up for it. (hint: that means write something good in the comments.)

1 comment:

Jared Counts said...

Hey, I was at that game too. About the only inspirational thing I can think of is the chant that David, Junius and I started up for the Marlins' right fielder, Juan Encarnacion. Since his name pronounced in English is "Incarnation," and that sounds like Carnation, the people who made those breakfast shakes, we started chanting "In-stant Break-fast" (Clap Clap clapclapclap). That's about as inspirational as I'm gonna get right now.