
I started a new book today- A Million Little Pieces - and I've found I can't put it down. Conrad was reading it when he came down to see Tyler, and he said it was good. Then Andrea and I saw it at the store and she said she heard it was good...so we bought it. And it's good. It makes me realize just how much I don't understand. How much I probably never will. I don't see how someone can lose themselves so deeply. Swirling downward in a haze of drugs and booze. How anyone could think that waking up every morning to a toilet full of vomit is better than...well...not. I suppose once the downward spiral begins the momentum keeps one going, but I guess that isn't something I'm capable of understanding. Or that I really want to understand perhaps. I was going to write a bunch more, but I don't feel like it anymore. Read the book if you get the chance, that's my opinion.

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