
Interesting question posed to me today:

Would you rather have everything except love, or nothing but love?

Opinions welcome.

So I've begun to understand myself a little I think. I don't get why I do all of the things I do, but I understand some things. Some of the more important ones perhaps. And I think I found the source of my twitch/tic, though I think even if that is how it started, other things have caused it to grow worse. But I guess to understand the end you have to start at the beginning, right? I found the beginning, now just to figure out where to go from there....what fun what fun.
If you knew the cause of something, would you change what you're doing to try to fix it even if it would make you unhappy to do so? What's worse, fixing something and screwing something else up, or not fixing the original problem? Damn damn damn damn damn fuck.

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