
Found this on a random website. I can't decide how I feel about it: it seems like the easy way out of anything, but I think it could be useful and beneficial to many people.

Erasing bad memories?

Anna Salleh
ABC Science Online
Monday, 25 August 2003

The day when long-term traumatic memories can be selectively wiped out is one step closer, claim Israeli scientists.

Mark Eisenberg and colleagues from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot report in the current issue of the journal Science that they have worked out a new rule governing the workings of the brain and the erasing of memories.

They say the research - in rats and fish - may pave the way for the development of drugs that wipe specific memories without affecting other memories.

Every memory undergoes a 'ripening' process called 'consolidation' immediately after it is formed. It was previously thought that the only opportunity for erasing a memory - by using memory-erasing drugs for example - was during a small window of time about an hour or two after the memory is acquired, and before it is consolidated.

More recently, evidence has emerged which suggests that the memory-erasing 'window' opens up each time a memory is recalled. However the evidence has been inconsistent - with some old memories found to be erasable, but others not. The research team report they have devised a rule for establishing which memories can be erased and which can't.

Memories come in packages. For example; certain foods bring up memories of taste, a person can be remembered in pleasant or unpleasant contexts, and so on. When we next taste the food or see the person, all of the associated memories are called up in the blink of an eye, but in the end only one of them dictates how we will react. This 'dominant' memory will decide if we eat the food or reject it, and whether we smile at the person or ignore them.

Eisenberg and team found that it is the 'dominant' memories that are able to be erased. They exposed rats to flavours, and fish to flashes of light - associated with both good and bad memories. In both species it was possible to show that the dominant memory was the one that could be erased by giving the appropriate drug within a few minutes of the memory's recall.

The discovery is likely to assist in the future development of methods to wipe out unwanted memories, and thus of treating some kinds of psychological trauma, the researchers claim. Such studies on humans, however, are yet to be conducted.

Commenting on the research, Australian memory researcher Dr Nikki Rickard of Monash University in Melbourne said she was not surprised that the dominant memories were the ones open to being modified. However she was dubious about the development of memory-erasing treatments. Given the fact that memories are recalled in batches, she thought it was unlikely to develop drugs that would be able to selectively erase bad memories.

"You can't ask animals [that have been] given memory erasing drugs whether they have lost other memories that they don't want to lose," she said, adding that there may be ethical problems in testing such drugs on humans.

I think there is a definite misuse potential. But then again, extra medication for all, right?

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