
I fear the C.E.J.

So I have a chem test in...15 hours. And counting. Boo.

So much work to do and so little desire to do anything but chill. Man, I want this semester to be over so bad. *sigh* And I just realized it's gonna take me fuckin forever to move all my shit back home. And iono where I'm gonna put it all. Grr. I need less stuff.
I'm happy til I'm alone...
So Blast! is still fuckin awesome. I still need to find the show though :( I wanna do guard again so much. Definetly not for UH, but I want to do it again. I miss it lots. :'( Maybe I'll play with my rifle over summer v. and get myself back to decentness and try out somewhere. That would be bitchin'. And it would make me happy.

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