
Today I'm okay, I beat the game. Feeling good, there were smiles - it's almost starting to feel natural again.
Happiness doesn't always come the way you want.
What does tomorrow hold? Will it be full of sorrows or might I begin a streak of joy once more?


So I was thinking. That's normally not a good thing :/
Anyway, so I was thinking about what I've been reading, what I;ve been talking to people about, what I've been taught, all of that. So I began to wonder....and don't be offended, because it's all just a train of thought that ultimately leads to "I don' know"

Is God a:
Supreme benevolent being
or a
Sadistic contradictory hypocrite?

Is Man an:
Intelligent capable creature
or a
Destructive plaguing virus?

In the 'best possible world' the first two situations are true, unfortunately, the world we live in could be much improved upon.
So where do we fall? And where does God fall? Why have a god who creates human life with the apparent knowledge of its evil and then abandons his own Frankensteinian creation when it seems to be beyond the point of being returned to its 'good' state?
Can there be a middle ground? Like a mediocre God? Isn't that a contradiction in itself?

I could continue, but I'm kinda tired. And it seems odd to ask myself a bunch more rhetorical questions that other people can see and comment on. So I'll just stick to my little blue notebook of thought. Maybe one day someone will be able to answer my questions put into it. Even just one. That would be cool. So many questions, so few answers.

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