
Late-night blogging

seems to be quickly becoming a trend for me. One that should probably stop, since I have PLENTY to be doing. Yet here I sit, not really with much to say, with even less to say publicly, and with the hope of sleep soon settling in my mind. I saw A History of Violence, which I thought was pretty good. Weird, which added to the good. It had the guy from LOTR in it....Viggo Mor..somethin. It was definitely pushed to the graphic side, like in the first 5 minutes. Fluids is getting harder. Luckily I'm catching it in time to fix it. Get some help and whatnot. I hope. I started writing a little again. Not a lot, just enough to fill a few more pages.

A new beginning is just the end of an old one.

I want to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra when they come on Dec. 18th. I think that would be pretty awesome. Tickets aren't crazy expensive, and they're having 2 shows that day. I guess it's just the Christmas thing. The music is always pretty, and TSO just adds... "freakin' awesome" to it. *shrug* We'll see I guess.

I saw the solutions to my circuits exam. Bitchin' awesome. I don't remember what I did for the 1st question, but my answers are the same or extremely similar for the rest. Which is great. Maybe this time around I'll kick class ass instead of the other way 'round. Then again, it might not matter if I don't need it, eh?

Saw another play this weekend. On campus. I was a bit wary, but it was really good! Funny funny. Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw. I must say, I was pleasantly surprised. Only 2 plays left to see this semester. Maybe 3 if I find time. That one's a little iffy. I want to see Chicago too. Might get some not-so-freakin-expensive seats to that one and go see it sometime soon. Haven't decided yet.

1 comment:

Jared Counts said...

I think the name you're looking for is Viggo Mortenson. Not sure about the spelling, but there it is.

A preemptive congrats on your victory over Circuits. Hope it turns out well.