
What to say? It's been awhile. I'm moving along. the little engine that could. New found love of Dave Matthews Band. its good for me. Not too angry sounding, plus I like the jazz instruments. Apparently I should d/l some Phish too. So i did, i just havent listened to it yet. I think my eyeballs are going to fall out of my head they hurt so bad. fucking headaches. they wont go away and i dunno why. it feels temporarily better when i shower. I think it might be the lights. i hate the lights here, they are so terrible. im glad im moving in june. i should be working on my 4 projects but i dont feel like it. my head hurts too bad. this song is really cool, it has trumpets and sax and everything. real musicians make me happy. not like these fake ass dont know how to play their instruments if they even have any bastards. AND theyre coming 9/5. which is awesome, but only if i get to go.



Your Linguistic Profile:

70% General American English

15% Dixie

10% Yankee

5% Upper Midwestern

0% Midwestern


What can I say other than owie? :( And I'm such a fuck up. I hope this can be gotten past...and not in the bad way.