
Thursday seems like it's going to take forever to get here. It's Monday. That's all. And it's been Monday for 14 hours. I've sat and stared and read through just about all of them. Leaves me wondering why sleep just doesn't seem to come some nights. I have to work until 10 tonight. I guess that will at least be something to pass the time for me. Perhaps. I can't decide if I like my job or not. Whenever I decide I don't, I find myself danciing through the aisles and singing. Whenever I decide that means I do, the day sucks and moves more slowly than ever. I guess it just depends on who else is working that can entertain me. I should get an job with an accountant. Experience would pretty likely prove to be beneficial to me. Hmm, almost a real job. Imagine that. Almost. Heh, hopefully it will be better than my last attempt to have a "real" job that will get me some experience in my field. Because that was utter failure. And a waste of my time.

Anyway, time needs to pass more quickly. I sat in my history class for what seemed like absolutely forever, listening to my professor drone on and on in his story about poor farmers in the 1890's. Then I looked at the time and realized I'd only been sitting there for 20 minutes. Gives a whole new meaning to "every minute is like an hour". Christ. I didn't think it would ever end. Even music won't pass the time like normal. I'm almost out of books, I didn't bring one with me today so that doesn't help either. I'm down to the last one, the one that I was planning on reading on the flight and such. Oh well. Perhaps I'll take another trip to the bookstore. Find something interesting, something that catches my eye. Heh, I'm a terrible shopper. Totally irrational. I figure why look for a book (or anything for that matter). Let it look for you. If it doesn't jump out at me, then why bother, eh? Guess we'll see. Got an idea for a new author to try anyway, so perhaps that'll prove itself. Paul Bowles. Leave a comment if you've read him and let me know what you think. I'll be reading him, so I'll probably leave a post about it later.


Not much has happened since my last post. At least not much interesting. I've come to a conclusion, more of a realization perhaps. But I find myself somewhat unwilling to go into detail. Or maybe apprehensive I guess. School started. My classes are by far the most boring ever. I miss engineering. At least then there was a challenge. Maybe it was so great because it was too much of a challenge for me. No sense dwelling in the past when you can't change it I suppose. But I do miss it. The challenge. The excitement of finally getting something right. The friends that were always around...everything I suppose.

I started a new book. Angels & Demons. It's the prequel to The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown. I plan to read that one next. Angels & Demons has been good so far, I've enjoyed it. Enough to read nearly 400 pages over the last day and a half. While Catholicism doesn't interest me in an "I want to be Catholic" sort of way, the history of all the terrible things that have been done "in the name of God" is captivating. But I suppose that is the way it is in all religions. There may not be "Holy Crusades" in the present, but when it really comes down to it the battles between religion and religion and religion and science IS quite prominent. I also find it interesting how, when it comes down to it, all tmehe major religions really do tell quite nearly the same story. Sure, there are obvious deviations, but who knows what may have been lost in perception and translation. There are obvious deviations even within modern history books about the Civil War...look at one from New York and one from Texas. You'd barely think they were talking about the same thing. And that wasn't even 200 years ago. This was 2,000 years ago. Anyone who can say that there is no possibility for variation of the same story is ridiculous. Ridiculous. And that's all I have to say about that.

I also bought several more books in addition to Dan Browns. One is My Friend Leonard, the next book written by James Frey, author of A Million Little Pieces. Yeah, I've read the CNN news reports on how "the book is a lie" and "how he fooled Oprah" and this and that. Don't particularly care. I thought the book was good. It had to have some truth to it. So the guy exaggerated some charges and such. Who sells an autobiography that doesn't exaggerate something about themselves? Sure, maybe it's something good most of the time. But still...I dunno, I guess I kind of expected some exaggeration. I mean he was on drugs, blacking out and such. Perhaps I'm wrong, but don't you NOT remember the things that happen when you blackout? The book would have been pretty damn short had he said "well, I don't remember this entire period of my life, so even though it's important and kind of vital to my explanation, I won't include it." Yeah. Maybe I just read too much fiction and come to expect the same from nonfiction. Whatever. I liked the book. Once I finish with Dan Brown's work, My Friend Leonard is next on the list. The other book I bought was just kind of an impulse, this looks interesting kind of thing. I really don't know what to expect from it, but the subject is one that has the potential to be highly interesting to me. It's called Blood: An Epic History of Medicine and Commerce. The New York Times called it "Riveting." I think "riveting" is the dumbest critic word ever. I mean, really. Riveting? WTF. Just say "captivating" or something. Riveting is something you do to a building. With rivets. Anyway, I think that will probably end up being airplane entertainment or the like, since because I have way too much free time and nothing to do with it I will probably have zipped through the other 3 by Feb 2.

Oh man. Feb 2. It's so soon! :) I'm more excited every day. I've been skiing before, twice even, and snowboarding once (kinda :-P...we'll call it "snowfalling" for the most part) but not in Colorado yet, and most definitely not recently. I love being in the snow. Yeah, yeah I realize that it must suck to deal with it for a whole season, and that the day after it falls and is all pretty it gets all gross due to cars and such, but still...when it's falling or freshly fallen it's so beautiful.



New Years party was last night...it was fun :) I took lots of pictures, and posted them on my MSN site (because putting 50somethin pics in blogger was not my idea of a fun time) so I just made an album there. You can click here to see them. Definitely quite the entertaining night. For those of you who didn't come...you missed out! Tyler gets back from Canada/Vegas soon too, and I'm excited :-) I went and watched Anu's dance performance today also, it was really interesting. I'd never been to a Hindu temple, it was very pretty, as were the clothes. Pics of that are also on my MSN site :)

That's all for now. I guess it's post party apartment clean up time... :'( sadness.
So I guess I was a bit unhappy in my last post. Once again, I have learned that stupid girl things are just that...stupid. Though I might find it hard to believe that someone might actually care or something like that...I guess I shouldn't let my insecurities take over. Heh, easy to say, not so easy to do. But I've been trying. Really hard. Guess sometimes I just slip up. Anyway...

Had my New Years party tonite. Only 1 of my friends showed. The rest were Andrea's. Thank goodness she actually invited people this time, eh? What's up with the ditching me, people? :( But it's ok, more booze for us... I have lotsa pics that I will post when I'm a little more sober...dice games aren't always the friendliest ;-) I guess unless you're the guys in the midst of a bunch of girls haha...

That's all for now...like I said...I'll post the pics (or some of them at least...) soon.