
Man, so this was my last weekend for awhile...I went to work today and got my schedule, yeah, so I work Christmas Eve, Christmas day and New Year's Eve and New Year's day (not to mention every day in between) So there goes that vacation...at least until January 10th :D I guess that makes it all worth it, plus it's good money and the people are nice...but 5:30 in the morning comes REALLLLLLY early. Really early.

But this weekend was fun still. I got to see a bunch of HS friends and some family I haven't seen in awhile, got to call Jason 'Spot' all weekend...everybody got to meet him and laugh at me for calling him Spot...it was enjoyable and relaxing :D make Heather happy to be able to chill before having to work.

So, I guess I didn't really have anything to say, other than happy holiday to all you guys who I won't be seeing...

Ohh, and watch the new Foamy cartoon...it's great :P


So I got this note from someone, and it kind of inspired me to feel better, because I think I need to take things more lightly sometimes...

Then again, maybe I shouldn't. Sometimes I think maybe I let people walk over me because I don't want to get them angry or I don't want to start a conflict...or I don't want to deal with the effort and trauma disliking someone would cause. I think (thought?) I am (was?) at least a slightly affable person, but maybe I'm just an annoyance. Perhaps I'll find out what people really think sometime.


Man, it feels pretty good to be done with finals...but it feels pretty shitty to know how much better I could have potentially done...I slept alllll day today after my final was over, and I still think I might go to bed at like...11. I'm tired, in every sense of the word. Oh well, not like it really matters anyway, I don't have anything but work til...what? January 20? yeah, that feels pretty good.

*Thought for the day*
People who lie constantly and then wonder about why everyone lies are pretty annoying. If you are going to sit and lie and then go on to bitch at other people for lying...you're a hypocrite, because A) at some point everyone lies, and B) you lie a hell of a lot more than the average person, therefore you have, um, NO room to talk...meh, whatever.

So other than uber freaking out about finals bullshit, I rather like the laid-back thing as opposed to the worrisome thing. It's much easier to deal with stuff when you don't really care about it (in the case of not-so-important things) because then I can "prioritize" and deal with the important things that I need to care about. So no more uber spasticness I'm thinking, unless it's something that deserves my uber spasticness...

Hm, so I officially got my ticket to New York, as in it's bought and paid for, that's exciting, yep, and no more finals for a semester, that's exciting too, and um, I think that's about the extent of my excitingidge.


The uber excitement of Heather! Yes, so I went to lunch with my mommy today and officially found out that I am "allowed" to go to New York! Granted, I have to pay for everything, but still...uber worth it! I'm so excited, I don't really have anything to say other than my good news announcement (mainly to myself, I'm sure all of you don't really care) But, it's alllllll gravy. And I get to go somewhere I've never been, so that's always a plus too :D Man, finals studying = lots of accidentally falling asleep. But I got it down. I got the studying, now I just have to remember what I 'learned' haha right.

YAY! That's all, back to maybe some studyage.


So I'm still pretty happy :) and it makes me laugh when I see people doing things that epitomize the things that I make fun of. It makes my job (of making fun of them) even if just to myself so muych easier and more worthwhile. Hahaha...

So, another cool song, what can I say, I'm feelin' it.

Trailing off the likes of it
She likes it when it grows
Sending out a candidate
She's sinking her foes
Peaking out then leveling
Wherever it goes

And her mother will greet you
And a river will reach you
Breaking out to make you slave again

Chasing Heather crazy
Chasing Heather crazy
Making sure that all the world is coming down
All the world is coming down on her
Anywhere I want to
And if you want to come too
We'll go down where
All the girls are stumblin' round
All the world is crumbling down around her

Staring out from otherworldly windows painted red
Doesn't have to listen to the voices in your head
That's a different lie
Do you remember what was said?

I like it....I do I do I do. So there.

HAHA! I also think it's funny when someone tells someone else the other person doesn't want something...especially when they say "I promise, you don't want -this-" and then go and do/cause -this- hahaha makes me laugh... lots and lots.
Yep. I hate people in general and love them in specific. (meh, I hadn't said it in awhile)
Back to studying once again. Study study study!
Man, so I haven't even started studying for finals and I'm already tired of studying for them. This sucks...oh well, gotta do whatcha gotta do, right? So the past almost a week has been great. Actually, it's been GREAT! The 'gray area' problem (if you call it a problem I guess) has gone away, or at least it has become not so much the issue, and the care factor = through the roof. I feel so happy with...uh...EVERYTHING that stupid stuff hasn't even really bothered me (except for my one slip-up last night...but I realized it and stopped and it's all better) Ok, anyway now I'm rambling...so the studying for the finals...it's going to happen now. Like right now. And I'm happy. REALLY happy. Yay!

AND it's Christmastime! That's always uber exciting cuz Christmas is the best time of year. The pretty lights, the *sometimes* chilliness...or at least not scorchingness...yay, all to be excited about. And the happy. Definetly the happy.

Ok. studytime for real.


:-) {for lack of a better word}

Man, so just when I thought I was at the lowest point I've been at in a VERY long time...everything seems to shift and go my way again. It's like I ride the on a current...one moment I'm at the bottom of the ocean...the next I'm at the top of the tallest wave. All within less than even 12 hours... Maybe I shouldn't talk about it, I might jinx it and fall back down my hole, but as long as I have someone to catch me I think even low can't be toooo low. I feel even...floaty right now. Granted I'm sure that things will 'even out' pretty soon and I'll be back to where I was a few short weeks ago, but for now everything is good....no, everything is great.

So the only negative thought in my head right now is me wondering how someone can have so little respect for others that they can go around and tell people all this crap that is complete and total bullshit and not expect them to talk about it to other people (who happen to know the truth?) and find out that they are a complete liar and, in my opinion, no longer worthy of the slightest bit of trust or respect that they were actually earning in my eyes. I guess it can only be expected of someone like that...meh, but I'm too happy to really care what the fuck they do...as long as it doesn't involve me...or anything that I *cough* closely affiliate myself with...

Hah, so I've been told that I am apparently a cross between all the 'retarded internet cartoons' (ie strongbad, foamy, etc) because of the random sounds I decide to make...heheheh, well, just so you know, I only do that when I've had too much juice...hehehe...man that stuff has soo much sugar in it! And I drink like 3 or 4 bottles a day...what do you expect! Hehehe...it's great when you can amuse yourself...