
Med school GPA? HAH, not looking like it...

Well, I have officially learned never to think you did ok on something important to you. It's almost like Murphey's Law, if you think you are going to do well, you end up doing unacceptably shitty. Also, I learned that when you are nice to people and do them a favor, they exploit it as much as they can. Is it human nature to try to get a mile when given an inch? And on the same level, when someone does something nice for you, is it human nature to try and get away with not only not doing anything back (which is not expected of them to do, these are not favors done with intention of repayal) BUT to also do things detrimental to the person who has helped you? I mean come on, they DID do you a favor, the least you could do was not make them 'pay' for it.

I guess that can be chalked up to one more reason I despise people. I think it is best put as "I hate people in general and like people in specific." Maybe that's just me....

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