

So, I'm going to my high schools homcecoming game of Friday...very mixed emotions about it...On one hand I get to see all of the people that I haven't really maintained contact with over the summer and the school year and such...but on the other I'm sure I will have to see people I don't know if I am ready to deal with. Or maybe better put I'm not sure how I'll deal with.
High school was (is) so trivial, it is unimportant and I am beyond it, but there are things there that I'm not sure how 'beyond' I am....

So, still hating people in general and liking them in specific...and people are so retarded, it makes me wonder how exactly it is that the human race is superior...I mean there's the whole 'opposable thumb' thing, but other than that I really don't think most people deserve to be called 'intelligent'

I'm getting the hang of the whole 'study' thing (something I never really did until now) but this whole procrastination thing...it's absolutely KILLING me. Even so, I suppose I can just stop doing it later... I think that's all, if not, oh well....super bored.....SUPER DUPER BORED......

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