
A new look...

...for a new outlook. No, no earth shattering moments. No near death experiences that really just involve me just not paying attention for a few seconds. Nothing really has changed, I just feel...I dunno, I can't even explain it really. Good I guess, for lack of words. Like in Office Space when he gets hypnotized, ya know? Just going with it. I went to the med center today, it looks like I might actually get to start my freakin' project. Like the actual project, not just the bullshit work. That's exciting I guess. I also told her that I would like to continue looking at different types of research and broaden my knowledge, instead of just being narrow into one field. She seemed to understand, now I just have to find funding and somewhere to work (for the spring semester probably, I'll probably end up staying where I am through fall)

I don't really feel like writing this anymore right now, so maybe later. Oh, and Jason, I never got your "all knowing answers" after finals on my last post :P Still waiting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i see your new look. and i do indeed dig it.