

If you don't have enough to worry about with finals, could you answer some of these? I'd appreciate an answer to any of them. If anyone still reads this that is. If you want me to post it prettier or more readable or whatever, say something and I might.

If you don't live for the moment, what are you living for? Can you live for a person? Does that really mean you are living for someone else instead of yourself? If you could take one thing back in your life what would it be? Would you REALLY want to take it back? What if you had to give something up for it? Would it still be worth it? If you could live eternally, would you? Even if no one else did? Why do people lie? Where does the incentive come from? Was it built into human nature? Is any human capable of living an entire life span without telling a lie? What is human nature? Do animals have animal nature? If humans are a superior race, why are there so many more problems with human society than animals have with animal society? Are humans just a gag that was created for the rest of the universe to laugh at? Maybe there are bets placed throughout the galaxy on how we will destroy ourselves first. How do you think we will end our race? If everything is so bad for you, why not just mix it together and rub it around? Does anyone besides me think the world would be a better place without people? It might sound stupid but I think that line in the first Matrix where the agent said humanity was a virus is true. Maybe we'll get what's coming to us. If a good, moral person kills a horrible and immoral person, is it wrong? Where is God? Is he dead? Is he capable of dying? If so, wouldn't that make him not God, at least by "our" definition? Are there really miracles? Have you ever seen one? If not, and you say there are, are there also leprechauns? if you say no, why? You haven't seen one of those either... Why do people discredit some things they have never seen and believe wholeheartedly in others? Aren't all unbelieveable, completely awesome things equally unbelievable and awesome? Are people just hypocrites or is there a reason behind this? If it were somehow scientifically proven when the world would end, would you believe those people? What would you do on your potential last day alive? If you weren't on the world when it ended, would you still die? If you didn't, would you want to? Would you ever want the responsibility of repopulating the earth? How far into space will we travel before we find something? If we find something, are we going to try to kill it? Would it be better if we DIDN'T find anything, so that we wouldn't have the chance to corrupt and ruin it? Do you think people are inherently good or evil? Why?


Anonymous said...

You freakin rule!!! thats all i got, and i've asked myself those very same questions most of them are always answered with another question or some long "well" put together phylisophical essay. Okay Later

Anonymous said...

lying, to some extent, is built into human nature in the sense that when a child breaks something, the child instinctively understands that lying = no punishment (the child seems to have a sense that he or she will not be caught for whatever reason). Lying is, oftentimes, a lot easier in the short run than telling the truth, which is why people do it. as for living your entire life without telling a lie, it depends on what you consider a lie. if a lie is ANY degree of exaggeration of the truth whatsoever, then i'd say that's pretty much impossible.

*Heather* said...

Yeah, Jay you better!