
Just so everyone knows, in case some of you were wondering...

Stealing is bad. Especially from other people. Especially if you go through their clothes in the dryer and steal only their underwear. That makes you a creepy pervert, which in turn makes me want to rip your cock off and choke you with it. Though it would probably be too small to choke you with, obviously. Which is why you are stealing all of my underwear out of the goddamn dryer in the first place I must assume. Fucking perv. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

In other news, I saw an Aeros game on Saturday. Pictures will be on my MSN once I'm less angry about the underwear thief.


Anonymous said...

gross. i hate people that are that creepy! let me know which laundromat you use so i'll never ever use it.

Eetion said...

woops. my bad dude. i was using them strictly for research
