
So apparently I've done way too much complaining and being upset lately. Excuse me for uhm, what was that? Oh yeah, caring. Caring about someone, caring about myself, caring about feelings...caring about, uh, 'stuff in general'. Apparently that's not the smart thing to do, and I need to stop. Therefore it must be that I need to be one of those totally self centered people that what? Oh, gets talked shit about all the time for not caring. Hmm, this looks like a winning situation to me...

So, I suppose that I'm also wrong for trusting people until I have a reason not to. Apparently I do that backwards too, and I shouldn't trust anyone until I have a reason to. Hm, but if I do that, I'm apparently a 'cold person' or something like that. Man, pleasing people just doesn't work, does it? Maybe that's the problem is I'm not a hypocrite who changes who they are to make everyone think they like me. Hmm, oh well, I guess if you don't like me it's more your problem than it is mine...

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