
So it's just over 4 days until I'm on my way to New York. Man, I'm so excited! Like excited to where I want to start packing now, hoping that will make it come faster...I know it won't, but still...so 2 more days of work then I won't be wiping asses and giving showers for awhile. And when I say awhile, I think that means like probably 3 or 4 weeks. Or something like that...

Anyway, so other than excitedness...

I saw Pirates of the Caribbean last night, it was pretty good! :) Johnny Depp always seems to be good at playing the weird ass roles in movies (*cough* Edward Scissorhands?) So I thought it was a pretty good movie.

Let's see, what else...uhm, I have a "story of the day" from pretty much every day I've worked over the break, old people are so quirky and weird :P especially dementia residents...man...but I think it's rewarding in its own way. Most people wouldn't see it I guess, but it makes me feel good. *shrug*

I hope everyone I haven't talked to is having a good break.

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