
35 More Days...

So I'm counting down til I move back into the dorms. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem living at home (most of the time), but I miss seeing everyone :( Especially Jason. I mean obviously I get to see him more than everybody else, but I'm looking forward to seeing him (and everyone else) on a more regular, less one day a week basis.

Anyway, what else...I've been kinda procrastinating the stuff I need to look into for the med ctr...I feel bad, but I'm to the point that there really isn't much of anything I can delve into (that applies to what I'm doing at least). I need to find pictures of unstained platelets, so I've been looking for that but apparently the 'cool' thing to do is stain them unfortunately. For every picture. So I haven't found that yet.

I officially am tired of working at Splashtown. It just isn't fun this year. I'm looking forward to the job at Baker St. I think it will be fun, plus it'll make me a hella lot more money...I wish I was qualified and experienced enough to get paid at the Med Ctr....that would be rockin :P

Not much else goin on...chem is going pretty well, I like the
prof, the class is interesting, I can definetly say I'm enjoying it more than phys. Definetly.

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