
With every good thing comes another bad one.

I need a pet. I wish I had time for one. :( Fishies just don't cut it. You can't hold them. But, I know that I don't have time for a "real" pet, so fishy it is. Poor Dogbert. I love him, I promise. He's the best fish ever.

Would never have guessed you can be at your highest and your lowest at the same point in time. It is an interesting feeling. Like being ripped apart and held together at the same time. Not too surprisingly, I like it and hate it at the same time. Go figure.


Blogger said...

There is always your godkitten, Mr. Darcy. He always loves attention. :)

Chris Ness said...

Get a midget! Train it to kill, and keep it in your closet! You never know when he will save your life.

Kim said...

Better yet, you should get a minion since those midgets can get fiesty! I'm sure they offer them on eBay or something ;)