
So I had a post about everything I feel right now, well kinda...more like everything I feel in comparative terms to things people can understand...but I decided that it would be confused for something else, a rant about Jason (which it was not) a poor me sad story (which it was not) or something else...which it also was not. So it's not there. It's chilling on my computer with all the other blogs that never made it to post. Instead you get bullshit fluff crap about how I had a post but decided that some people shouldn't see my feelings.

Oh and you also get this:
No, no you don't

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry the school years not ending to well, but you know life sucks and then you die so make the best of it. I'm personally waiting for that death part to come. Make the days last and the mins count. Later you...