
Just call me the cab driver...or razorblade

That's how it feels. I'm like the person who comes into the life of another, in one way or another helps them from A to B, and then is gone. Perhaps it's my fault, I'm sure that is what a lot of other people would say if I hadn't. But I dunno, sometimes it seems like that's all I'm good for. I'm the friend who makes you feel better for awhile, gives you a shoulder to cry on when you need it, but isn't good enough for anymore. Or the girlfriend who is easily replacable by some hotter girl who has less opinion. That's the word...disposable. Once I get dull I get thrown in the trash. Of course there are exceptions I suppose. Those few few FEW people who, even if you don't talk regularly are pretty much ALWAYS there for you. But for the most part, every few years it's to the trash can for me. Where I proceed to start anew I suppose. And so I ask myself (and everyone reading this), is this something most people experience, or is it just me?


Jared Counts said...

I doubt yours is an isolated case. It probably has happened to, or will happen to, everyone else. I've had times where it felt like everyone around me had moved on to something new and left me behind, but I don't think it was a feeling of disposability, per se.

As for your title, I'm not sure I get the razorblade part, but at least if you were a cabbie you'd get paid for your services.

Anonymous said...

If you're talking about boys...I can't help you. If you're talking about groups of friends, all I can say is that YOU tend to leave THEM. That's just my opinion from knowing you over the years. But I will always love you anyway. I like to think that I'm special and transcend groups.

*Heather* said...

I'm talking about friends moreso. Yeah, like I said sometimes I do. But you ARE the coolest Kellie, so... *sigh*

Anonymous said...

interesting. i have had the same problem/feeling at times over the years....

mebbe kellie's right.

food for thought.
