
So, not too much new here. This week was filled with...blah. Note: if you are going to do a juice fast, find a better one than the one I found. Definitely. So yeah, that was not my brightest idea ever. Saw a special preview of Jarhead Tuesday, kind of by accident and good timing. And that's about it, other than some studying. Right now some jackass is blaring his terrible sounding, rattling base in the parking lot of my apartment complex. Douchebag. Anyway, so tomorrow morning is my circuits exam. This class seems a lot dumber the second time around. And the people in it are definitely a lot dumber. Then I have Saturday class to make up for the hurricane. I've decided that Rita was the worst idea ever. ugh. I have Saturday class for one class or another every Saturday til finals. Except next Saturday. That's (just) my fluids exam. So many exams all at one time. Bastards. But it's ok, I'm not bitter.

I want to go talk to the director of my program and be like "what the fuck are we going to end up with when we graduate?" Because I think what he will tell me will be interesting. Either complete bullshit or "you're expected to go into grad school, unfortunately our program is so ass-backwards the only place you can go is here" Only I guess he wouldn't tell me that...eh. But it would be interesting to see what he thinks the program gears us for. I say...nothing. That's why I'm thinking I'm gonna switch out. We'll see.

I think that's all. It's been a pretty uneventful week. Oh, Jarhead was good, by the way. I recommend it, if you like that type of movie. And even if you don't it might still be interesting *shrug* Oh, and birthday cake ice cream still rocks. But someone ate all my spray whipped cream, though it may have been me. But I don't think it was...*absent minded*

Oh, and go here and watch Foamy. He (among other things) cheers me up when I'm feelin' down. Maybe there's a squirrel on campus like him. I just keep hoping :-P

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