
I'm not looking forward to my thermo exam. I will be taking it 12 hours from now. :( Nobody knows what really to expect from Dr. Economou...nobody. *sigh* Such is life I suppose. Today was an unhappy day. Not really a bad day, just unhappy. I think I irritated people without meaning to. :-/ Good intentions, bad follow through I suppose. Guess I'll see tomorrow.

This made me laugh though. Just one more reason people from Rice are super plus nerdy. But it was worth the non-studying time to read it. I recommend clicking. I found another interesting site, but the link is not handy and I don't feel like looking for it right now. It was a cool zero-grav water drop thing. Complete with video. I'll look for it some other time maybe.

Andrea is going to be coaching a Special Olympics team. I thought that was cool, though something I could (or would) never do. Crazy awesome dedication to something like that. So happy birthday (yesterday) and mad props to her for being super awesome.

I can't wait for the 22nd to come and go so that I can almost have a little time to relax. Exam after exam after exam make Heather go crazy...crazier. Whatever. :-P I was promised an instant 'just add water' degree. Waiting for that one. :) In just over a month is Thanksgiving break. The most looked forward to and necessary non-break of the semester. Coming back unwillingly to many end-of-semester-tie-it-all-together-projects and then finals. Its a little saddening that like 40-50% of my grade comes from a 3 week span. Oye. My parents want me to drive out to BFE and go camping for T-day. Not so keen on that one. Kinda sucks. We'll see if these make believe plans really develop. Here's to hoping not. But I'll play good daughter if they do anyway most likely. Unless the to do list gets past my eyeballs. To the eyeballs is doable. Past...well then I can't see anymore ;-)

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