
So I have almost a little free time in the midst of my uber busy day today. So I thought I'd post. My circuits exam went...eerily well. I'm kind of scared about that. You shouldn't walk out of an exam all...confident. Bad news bears. We'll see. My professor takes off points for existence, so even if I did well I could still do bad...if that makes sense. The last week or so has been really busy and the next few are looking to be even moreso. And then I get a break in December. Kind of. Maybe. At least it will be a month or so of something easier. Oh, and a new request. Since I tend to forget "important" things when I get busy. When you see me, just every so often, not every time because then I'll go nuts...ask me the last time I ate real food. I might not answer...or remember, it's just more to make sure I don't forget to eat for a few days. Cuz we all know that it isn't at the top of my 'remember-to-do' list. Yeah, I'm forgetful. Maybe I should write it in my planner. Then I'd remember. Maybe.
Going to see another play tomorrow. Yay :) Another exam Tueday. *eek* Nobody knows what to expect from the professor. Not good. Not good at all. But, I suppose we shall see soon enough, eh? My cool shirt got shipped out. It's gonna be here soon! Sooner than my iPod. *sigh*

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