
So I'm getting quite angry with the whole 'sleeping' thing. Or shall I say the lack thereof. I think that in the past two weeks, my sleep schedule has become so skewed that I may as well just become freakin' nocturnal...I'm getting pretty damn close. And the sleeping in 45 minute intervals...also extremely unacceptable. The best sleep I have had in the last week and a half or 2 weeks was Sunday night...but that's probably another story...

Apparently the critics all really hated Gothika. That's the funny thing about critics though. I liked Gothika...man, I guess they've just watched too many movies to have valid opinions to me :P

So, it's nearing Christmas time and I have to start buying stuff for people...I see two problems with this picture: 1) I haven't the slightest idea what to get, um...ANYONE and 2) I'm pretty damn broke. There are a few people that I want to get nice gifts for, mainly because, up until around last year I had never really had to buy presents for people, especially not family members. Now I not only have to do that, but I have to find something for Jason too....ooh, man, this could take thought :/ Needing ideas...

I still need to get my locket fixed that I broke in like....mmm May? Speaking of that, I really need to put a picture in it too...heh. I really like it and want to wear it, but I've been too lazy and/or forgetful to actually go have the chain debrokified So maybe I'll do that when I go home tomorr...today. Or maybe I'll forget again, that's probably more likely.

So I'm rambling about nothing because I'm not tired and have nothing better to do, so I should probably stop while I make sense. Because making sense is good. :O)

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