
Haha, that makes my day. Thank you for trying to condescendingly look down upon me, it can only make me feel better. And I thought my Easter was eventful enough as it was. Oh man! YES! AWESOME! Hmm, so candy + soda + other sugary stuff = wired Heather. Man, I need to sleep. Hehehe. So worth it though.

Ba-dee-dum-dee da! <-- coolest h-y-p-h-e-n-a-t-e-d word ever. Well, almost ever, maybe.

So I was gonna post Incubus lyrics here, but it seems Jason has already posted them, and I dun want to copy, so here's my back up lyrics. (Yes, I have BACK-UP lyrics! Just for times like these. See, EVERYONE NEEDS BACKUP LYRICS SOMETIME!)

"Don't let it get you down
The moon and the stars goes crashing round
Don't let it get you down"
-~-Echo & The Bunnymen-~-

Taken well out of context, but it fits my purpose here.

Oh, and Chris K has a new blogger site (see right-side panel) or click here.

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