
Stupid chem test....blah

Yay for KillBill2 for the second time! Catching new funny stuff and screwups (though I'm not sure if they were intentional or not) Yay for Halo even though I shoulda been writing my paper! Yay for not writing my paper! Yay for The Usual Suspects...with the super suprise ending! Too bad you didn't see like 80% of the movie Aaron. Maybe next time we'll watch a movie before 3:30 am...hehehe

Hmm what else...Busy busy times coming up, wait, coming up? I mean already here...7 papers/exams/projects/finals between this Monday and May 7. Super suckiness. But that's ok, somehow I always find some random means (usually no sleep for a few days, but whatever, that's uh...random) by which I pull through. Yay for randomnity! (Yes Kellie, I did just make up a word and use it in a sentence as though it were real) :-D

Blah de dah. Yay for good moods. I put in my application to work at Splashtown again yesterday, even though I swore I wouldn't work there again. ::shrug:: meh, it was fun most of the time. And what beats super awful tan lines!?! Plus my other job is about 30 minutes away and gas is going up really high and so I'll prally just work there 1 or 2 days a week and Splashtown 2 or 3 days a week. Or less....whatever. Stupid summer school. Bah to you! So now it's 5:30 in the morning and I'm not tired...so I'm gonna go to bed. Yes, I'm doing it because it makes sense. You know it does. Hmm, funny website of the day hopefully the funny stuff I see now is the funny stuff you see when you read this. Cuz it changes a lot and stuff.....yeah, whatev. Oh, and yay for leaving off syllables in words. Like I did. woohoo.

Sleepie time! (That's not like peanut butter jelly time)

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